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Organisational unit
    Photo Name Info
    Madeleine Best
    Marketing ZEW
    Prof. Matthias Beyrow
    Professor of Identity and Signs
    Chairman of the Examination Board of the Design Degree Programmes
    Honorary Professor for Aesthetics
    Academic employee of "P³Dual"
    University policy and legal advice
    Vice President for Special Tasks / Student Vice President
    AStA Officer for University Policy & Studies and Teaching
    Mark-Jan Bludau, M.A.
    Academic assistant at UCLAB in the research project "GraDiM: Granularitäten von Zerstreuung und Materialität – Visualisierung eines Fotoarchivs über Diaspora"
    Svenja Bluhm
    Academic assistant in the P³Dual project
    Dipl.-Des. Anne Boenisch
    Head of the modelling, painting and metal construction workshop
    Academic assistant for architectural and urban planning history, architectural theory and monument preservation
    Administrator for Examination Service
    Prof. Dr. Karin Borck
    Professor of Childhood Education: Inclusion, Counselling and Leadership
    Social work: Biographical work
    Master's in Early Childhood Studies: Counselling, Management
    Responsible for the organisation and implementation of "Familienfreundliche Hochschule"
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Anti-Discrimination Officer of the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences
    Member of the Board Iffe e.V.
    Profilfoto Paul Bowler
    Head of Graphics Lab
    Prof. Maren Brakebusch
    Professorship for Garden and Landscape Architecture
    Dr. Svea Bräunert
    Research assistant as co-project manager in the VW research project "Limits: Operational Relationships of Climate and Migration"
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Brendike
    Professor of Statics
    Vice Dean / Representative of the Dean
    Representative of Faculty 3 at the Faculty Day for Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Staff Member of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries
    Birgit Bröse
    Employee Dean's Office
    Viktoria Brüggemann
    Academic assistant at UCLAB in the project "GraDiM: Granularitäten von Zerstreuung und Materialität – Visualisierung eines Fotoarchivs über Diaspora"
    Steffi Brune
    Head of Public Relations