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Information Sciences Department

The Potsdam University of Applied Sciences has established itself as one of the leading institutions in Germany thanks to its partially integrated education in the fields of information and data management, archives and library science. With a clear focus on practice-oriented learning and interdisciplinary cooperation, the Department of Information Sciences offers not only Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, but also tailor-made further education courses and is an important location for innovative research and teaching.


Archival Studies (BA)

Archives are the memory of society. During your studies, you will learn to evaluate analog and digital products based on their relevance for the future and make them accessible to interested parties in a user-friendly manner. Your future field of work is diverse: whether in a public archive or a private company, the expertise and methods you acquire will be in demand in the job market.

Application period: 15th of June – 15th of August (no admission restrictions)

Library Sciences (BA)

Libraries consolidate large volumes of diverse information and make it accessible to their users. In doing so, they make a valuable contribution to understanding the past, present, and future.

As a library scientist, you not only hold the key to this knowledge but also create it and actively shape the transfer of information.

Application period: 15th of June – 30th of September (no admission restrictions)

Information Studies (BA)

In the Bachelor's program in Information and Data Management, you will learn to organize large and complex datasets and present them in a user-friendly manner. Various methods and tools are used to analyze and manage information processes. As a trained data and information specialist, you will be employable wherever information and data need to be managed.

Application period: June 15 – September 30 (no admission restrictions)

Archival Sciences (MA)

Upon graduation, you will be qualified to assume a leadership position in archival management. You will possess competencies in archive management and project management within archival tasks, particularly in records management, digital long-term preservation, marketing, and public relations. You will be equipped to handle archival tasks amid changing professional and societal demands.

Application period: 22nd of May – 30th of June in odd-numbered years (restricted admission)

Digital Data Management (MA)

Note: This degree program will no longer be offered starting from the summer semester of 2024.

The professional world is undergoing rapid change, irreversibly triggered by digitization. With the Master's program in Digital Data Management (DDM), you are optimally qualified for this future. You systematically expand your professional skills, which will propel your career forward successfully and sustainably.

DDM is an exclusive training program for the next generation of data managers.

Information Studies (MA)

Note: This degree program will no longer be offered starting from the winter semester of 2022/23.

The internet never forgets - or does it? How do fake news come about, and what can be done about them? Why is "information" so crucial everywhere, even though no one can explain what it is? What should be preserved in the Digital Age? The Master's program in Information Science offers an integrative, scientifically oriented qualification with a strong focus on practical application for professional fields dealing with information and knowledge.

Grafik des Online-Studienwahl-Assistenten (OSA)

Online Study Selection Assistant (OSA)

With the OSA, you can interactively find out whether one of our bachelor's degree programs in Archival Studies, Library Sciences and Information Studies is a good fit for you. We show you concrete tasks and give you insights into everyday study life.

Inaugural lecture Prof. Dr. Felix Schäfer

On the occasion of his appointment as part-time professor for "Digitisation of Archives and Collections" at the Department of Information Sciences, Prof. Dr. Felix Schäfer gave his inaugural lecture on 29 January 2024 entitled "What do we do with 1 million scans? Or: Open GLAMour at the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation!".

Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Dr. Veit Köppen

On the occasion of his appointment as professor of Library Science – Technologies, Systems and Services, Prof. Dr. Veit Köppen gave his inaugural lecture entitled "Data Engineering in Research Data Management" on 15th of January 2024.

News from the department

More news


The application phase for Science Slammers is open!

It's that time again! In spring 2025, the Brandenburg Science Slam of the Presence Centres will enter its 4th round. (Young) scientists are invited to present their research topics and results to the audience in ten minutes.

Study & Teaching


Lecturer Survey 2024/25 (07/01/2025 – 04/02/2025)

We rely on your help to continuously improve the study and teaching conditions at the FHP.


Press release

Gender Prize of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences 2024 goes to Esra-Paul Afken

The Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) is honouring Esra-Paul Afken, a graduate of the Master's degree programme in Digital Data Management - a cooperative degree programme with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - with the Gender Award 2024. Afken's outstanding Master's thesis is entitled:…

Study & Teaching


Project conclusion "Memorials today - a socio-political assessment"

Memorials are currently under particular public pressure in the face of declining overall social support for parliamentary democracy. On the one hand, politicians and society have high expectations of their role in historical and political education, particularly in the areas of democracy education…

Associated facilities

Koordinierungsstelle Brandenburg-digital

The goal of the Koordinierungsstelle Brandenburg-digital (KBD) is to improve the digital presentation of cultural assets from the state of Brandenburg. By increasing the digital visibility of individual institutions and holdings, a very real and substantial contribution is made to increasing the digital visibility of Brandenburg as a cultural state.

Landesfachstelle für Archive und Öffentliche Bibliotheken Brandenburg

The Landesfachstelle für Archive und Öffentliche Bibliotheken Brandenburg is affiliated with the Information Science Department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. As an institution of the University, one of the tasks of the Landesfachstelle is to support the transfer of knowledge between the university and archival and library practice in the state of Brandenburg.

Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg

The Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle (VuK) Open Access Brandenburg is the central point of contact on the topic of Open Access and for related areas of open science in the state of Brandenburg. It was established in 2021 at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as part of the implementation of the state's Open Access strategy.


More events
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Workshop
29/01/2025, 10.00 am – 11.30 am

Studying without Stress: Strategies for a healthy Work-Life Balance

Second part of the workshop
Zielgruppe: University members, Students
Location: House 1Room 3.07
Start-up Service, Design, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Social and Educational Sciences, Civil Engineering, Information Sciences, Student Financing Workshop
05/02/2025, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

Earning money while studying - Am I now self-employed?

Zielgruppe: Students
Location: OnlineRoom via Zoom
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Workshop
06/03/2025, 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Online Workshop - Dimensions of Internationalisation in Business

Zielgruppe: Students
Location: Online
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Info Event
11/03/2025, 9.30 am – 11.00 am

Healthy work-life balance in studies and career

Zielgruppe: University members, Students, Public
Location: OnlineRoom via Zoom

Site and room plans

The Information Sciences Department is located in House 2 on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The department's seminar rooms and the offices of the project staff are located in house 3.



Professor of Library Science – Open Access/Open Data

Stellv. Dekan

Professor for Web Technology and Semantic Web Applications

Prodekanin für Lehre und Studium

Programm Development and Study Organisation

Prodekanin für Forschung und Transfer