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Staff Council for Non-Academic Staff

The non-academicstaff council represents the non-academic employees of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in all matters of personnel law.

May 2022
Last election
May 2026
Next election
4 years

Function & Tasks

The staff council is a staff representative body in a public institution. The non-academic staff council of the FHP represents all non-academic employees (temporary or permanent employment contracts) of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in all matters of personnel law.

The basis for their work is the staff representation act for the state of Brandenburg (PersVG) and the federal staff representation act (BPersVG).

Pursuant to section 2 PersVG, the department and the staff council work together closely and in a spirit of trust to fulfil their official duties and for the benefit of the employees, in compliance with the law and collective agreements, in order to give effect to the rights of the employees working in the department and, at the same time, to ensure the fulfilment of the tasks incumbent on the department. In making their decisions, the department and the staff council shall take into account the social, economic, societal and environmental environment. The rights of the staff council are essentially divided into co-determination and participation procedures (§ 62 - § 68 PersVG) and the right of initiative (§ 69 PersVG).

Staff meetings

The non-academic staff council holds staff meetings once or twice a year and reports on its activities. Employees have a right to information and debate at the staff meeting. They can also make suggestions.

The non-academic staff council would once again like to thank all staff members for their numerous participations in the staff meeting and all those involved for the reports and information.
Here you can read the presentation of the staff council and the university management:

Useful information

  • Service agreements are agreements between the department and the staff council representing the employees. They regulate specific processes and procedures in areas where legal or collectively agreed regulations do not exist or are not sufficiently detailed.
  • Service agreements are intended to provide security in day-to-day work and contribute to simplifying or reducing administrative burdens.
  • Service agreements are adopted and signed jointly by the department and the staff council. On the part of the staff council, a resolution of the body is required.
  • Service agreements are to be put down in writing and made public in the department in an appropriate manner.

Service agreements at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Board of directors

Staff Council for Non-Academic Staff

Room 0.18

Office hours
Tue 9.00 – 11.00 am
We ask for a short registration by e-mail. Further appointments are possible by arrangement.

Meeting dates
Tue 12.00 – 2:00 pm
