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Licensed Software – Free Applications for Students and Employees

As a university member, you can get a university discount from many services and companies. This applies to hardware and software, but also to otherwise chargeable services on the internet. Membership of the university is often checked via email address.

Licences of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The data protection regulations of the companies always apply to all offers and no personal data is transferred from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to the companies.

Adobe Creative Cloud

The products of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite are available for use on university devices. User licences are available for university employees and shared computer licences are available for shared computers in pools, labs and workshops. The products are installed exclusively by the IT staff of your department.

Citavi – Literature management and knowledge organisation

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has a campus licence for the Citavi literature management and knowledge organisation software. It is available to all employees and students of the university. You can register for it at Citavi with your university email address and receive your licence. In your account you will then find the licence number, which you can use in the downloaded programme. This software is currently only available for Windows.

Microsoft 365

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has joined Microsoft's federal framework agreement for universities. This means that the university can offer its students and staff the use of Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365). This includes cloud services and access to Microsoft desktop applications.


The Zoom campus licence allows all students and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to initiate audio and video events for university purposes with up to 300 active participants.

Beam & Stream

With the Beam & Stream app, students can obtain and process slides directly on their own end device (smartphone, tablet or PC).