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Browser Access to FHP E-Mails

Access your own e-mails quickly and from anywhere via browser? All you have to do is memorise the following URL:

FAQ for Browser Access to E-mails

Outlook Web Access is an MS Outlook as a web application. Calling up and logging in is done in a browser under the URL

For the personal e-mail address, use the login of the Campus.account. Subsequently, functional addresses can also be used in Outlook Web Access.

Access to functional addresses is done by delegation. Access to a functional address is delegated to one or more personal email addresses.

Delegation can only be initiated by the owner of the functional address. The technical implementation is then carried out by the staff of the Central IT.

After the delegation has taken place, the functional address can be used in Outlook Web Access.
So that the functional address can also be used as a sender address, the send authorisation is also delegated.
An out-of-office note can also be configured for the functional address.

In Outlook Web Access, click on the cogwheel at the top right and then select Options. Then navigate to General --> My Account and at the bottom right you will see the current and maximum storage space volume (quota).

In Outlook Web Access, click on the cogwheel on the top right and then select Options. Then navigate to E-mail --> E-mail signature and create the desired signature. Finally, select Save (above).

In Outlook Web Access, click on the cogwheel on the top right and then select Options. Then navigate to General --> Region and Time Zone and set the desired language. Finally, select Save (above).

Instructions for Forwarding and redirecting e-mail messages by setting up inbox rules from 1&1 IONOS SE.

Difference between forwarding and redirecting an e-mail:

  • Forwarding: Mails appear to the recipient as if they came from the original sender.
  • Forwarding: Mails appear to the recipient as if they came from the person who forwarded the e-mail.

Forwarding therefore makes more sense if the reply is to be sent directly to the original sender.

Set upforwarding and redirection in Outlook Web Access .

Navigate to Folder → Filter → View as → Messages .

The function"Pin e-mail" is only available in Outlook web access (browser).

It is not available in MS Outlook (desktop app).