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Emergency or Average

The following overview provides nationwide contact points and emergency numbers, emergency contacts at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and advice on how to behave in an emergency.

Nationwide emergency numbers & contact points at a glance

Rescue service & fire brigade: 112

112 is the emergency number for rescue services and the fire brigade.

You automatically reach the nearest rescue control centre and can report medical emergencies, accidents or fire there.

Police: 110

110 is the emergency number for the police.

The emergency number is for when you or someone else has witnessed a crime, accident or other emergency situation.


The Poison Control Centre of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin provides advice in case of possible poisoning : + 49 30 19240.

If an affected person already shows signs of poisoning, please call the emergency number 112 directly.

Sexualised violence

If you have been a victim or witness of sexualised violence, you can find initial support here via the nationwide help hotline:
116 016 (24h, free of charge, anonymous)

Contact points & emergency contacts at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Average or emergency

In the event of an accident or emergency, please inform the information desk in the main building, which is manned throughout. Emergency call lists for university members, rescue services and law enforcement agencies are also available here.

Information main building
+49 331 580-2121

Building Management (GM)
+49 331 580-3200

Threats to information security

Security incidents, such as unauthorised access to IT systems of the FH Potsdam, data loss and manipulation, are to be reported to the information security officer. These can be actual attacks as well as suspected cases.

To report a security incident, use our online form and observe the following points:

  • Describe the incident or suspicion briefly and precisely.
  • Provide all relevant information and evidence, if available, e.g. screenshots, emails or log files.

The right way to behave in an emergency: The five W's when making an emergency call

1. Where did something happen?
Give as precise an indication as possible of the place where the emergency occurred. This will help the emergency services to find the scene of the accident quickly. You do not know your way around? Ask other people or passers-by for assistance. Use the map of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to find your way around.

2. What happened?
Describe briefly what has happened and what you see and perceive.

3. How many people are affected or injured?
Estimate the number of people affected. In the case of children, also state their approximate age.

4. What are the injuries or damages?
Try to describe the current condition and the type of injuries of the affected persons.

5. Wait for further enquiries!
Stay on the phone for any queries until the emergency control centre ends the call.