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Training Offers – Tips & Assistance for Literature Research

Student lernt am Laptop in der Bibliothek der FH Potsdam

The library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers you a comprehensive service: tips and assistance for literature research in catalogues, databases and on the internet as well as checklists with help for academic work and a research consultation hour.

All Offers at a Glance

Consultation hour for literature research

Problems with scientific work with literature? We can help you quickly!

Training in literature research

First steps in the library or specific research in the subject area for a thesis? We offer training for students and staff.

Offers for schools

Practice early. We offer individual events for teachers and students.

Online tutorials

Do you prefer to work independently? We recommend the following online tutorials for selected databases and scientific work, among others.


Always keep the overview. We offer checklists for various subtopics on scientific work.

Quick Help: Consultation Hours for Literature Research

It is not always easy to quickly yet systematically select the right databases and catalogues to research journal articles, books, visual material, statistics and more. To get off to a good start when writing an academic paper, we offer a research consultation online.

For the departments of Information Sciences and Social and Educational Sciences:

For the departments of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering and Design:

  • Thursdays, 13:00 - 15:00 or by personal arrangement.
  • Contact: Heike Daßdorf

Where do the office hours take place?

  • Online in the Zoom room in the Moodle course BIB_Recherche.
  • On request, it is possible to hold consultation hours on site in the library.

Training in Literature Research: Module 1 – From the Literature List to the Book

With three courses, the module is aimed at all newcomers to literature research and information retrieval.

Target group

  • Students, especially newly enrolled students
  • employees
  • External users

each without prior knowledge

Getting to know the university library, the usage modalities and the premises, presentation of the website and the services offered.


  • Profile of the library

  • Conditions of use and borrowing

  • Guided tours of the library's user area with explanations of the library's collection/systematics

  • Presentation of the library's website and services

  • Brief introduction to research in the library catalogues FHPKat and FHPKat+

60 minutes

Number of participants
at least 5 - max. 25 persons

Library in the main building
Meeting point: Circulation desk

Target group

  • Students, especially newly enrolled students
  • employees
  • External users

Getting to know the general principles and methods of literature research and their application to research in the catalogue of the FHP library, use of the KOBV for regional research.


  • Teaching general research methods

  • Boolean operators, truncation etc.

  • Exemplary search in the library catalogue (FHPKat and FHPKat+),

  • Searching for formal information (author, title, e.g. from literature lists) from the hit list to the book, to the online article, etc.

  • Presentation of the various catalogue functions (independent bookmarking, renewal, watch lists)

  • Identifying literature in the region - working with KOBV

60 minutes (+ 30 minutes for practising with self-selected topics)

Number of participants
at least 5 - max. 20 participants

Library in the main building
Meeting point: Circulation desk

Target group

  • Students
  • employees
  • external users

Previous knowledge
Basic knowledge of library use, general research methods and research in library catalogues.

Ability to conduct independent, targeted research for journals and journal articles, familiarisation with relevant standard databases and catalogues, acquisition of articles.


  • Forms of publication of journals - print and electronic

  • Where do I search for journal articles?

  • Discovery systems of libraries - FHPKat+

  • Subject databases, subject portals, IBZ online etc.

  • Journal database (ZDB): Indexing of journal holdings in libraries

  • Access to electronic journals: Electronic Journals Library EZB

  • Article procurement (interlibrary loan)

90 minutes

Number of participants
at least 5 - max. 20 persons

Library in the main building
Meeting point: Circulation desk

Training in Literature Research: Module 2 – Thematic Literature Research in the subject context

This course provides students in advanced semesters of higher education and staff with an introduction to subject databases for academic work. Students can choose between three main topics.

Target group
Students (especially before writing the final thesis) and staff of the degree programmes of the Department of Social and Educational Sciences

Prior knowledge
Basic knowledge of library use, general research methods and research in library catalogues.

Effective use of research possibilities in subject-specific information sources


  • How do I conduct a systematic literature search?

  • Where do I find access to subject-specific databases and resources?

  • Subject databases: e.g. WISO, FIS-Bildung, beck-online

  • Find statistics: Destatis and Genesis-Online, Statista

  • Presenting digital OA subject resources on the Internet (subject portals, FID) e.g. SocioHub, PsyDoc, Fachportal Pädagogik (subject portal for education)

  • Access to current eBooks and eJournals in the subject area

  • Tips on obtaining literature and library services for this purpose

  • Interlibrary loan

90 minutes

Number of participants
at least 3 - max. 20 persons

Library in the main building
Meeting point: Circulation desk

Target group
Students (especially before writing a term paper or thesis) and staff of the study programmes of the departments of Civil Engineering, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE and Design.

Previous knowledge
Basic knowledge of library use, general research methods and research in library catalogues.

effective use of research possibilities in subject-specific information sources


  • How do I conduct a systematic literature search?
  • Where do I find access to subject-specific databases and resources?
  • Subject databases: e.g. RSWB, Technical Building Regulations, Prometheus
  • Find statistics: Destatis and Genesis-Online, Statista
  • Presenting digital OA subject resources on the internet (subject portals, FID) e.g., EconBiz,, TIB portal
  • Access to current eBooks and eJournals in the subject area
  • Tips on obtaining literature and the library's related services
  • Interlibrary loan

90 minutes

Number of participants
at least 3 - max. 20 persons

Library in the main building
Meeting point: Circulation desk

Target group
Students (especially before writing a homework orwriting a term paper or thesis) and employees of the study programmes of the Department of Information Sciences

Prior knowledge
Basic knowledge of library use, general research methods and research in library catalogues.

Effective use of research possibilities in subject-specific information sources


  • How do I conduct a systematic literature search?
  • Where do I find access to subject-specific databases and resources?
  • Subject databases: e.g. LISA, ACM Digital Library, IBZ online, De Gruyter online
  • Find statistics: Destatis and Genesis-Online, Statista
  • Presenting digital OA subject resources on the internet (subject portals, FID) e.g. BBI,, EconBiz,
  • Access to current eBooks and eJournals in the subject area
  • Tips on obtaining literature and library services for this purpose
  • Interlibrary loan

90 minutes

Number of participants
at least 3 - max. 20 persons

Library in the main building
Meeting point: Circulation desk

Tutorials and Material Collections

Library research and training materials

Moodle online course for self-learning for members of the FH Potsdam, collection of materials from the library on the use of digital resources (eBooks, eJournals, subject databases) and other services in the context of scientific work.

From the choice of topic to the homework or term paper

In this online tutorial, you learn independently about different research systems and information sources, e.g. to find scientific literature, based on several work stages of information search and processing. In addition, you learn what it means to work scientifically.

Checklists for Literature Work

The following checklists provide assistance for writing a Bachelor's, Diploma or Master's thesis, a project report or a scientific article. Among other things, the topics of scientific writing, structure of a scientific paper, correct citation and time management of a scientific qualification paper are addressed.

Offers for Schools

Information literacy is a key competence that enables one to find one's way in school and in everyday life in today's knowledge society. The library is happy to support teachers and students in searching for, finding and working with information and media in a targeted and effective way. The online tutorial "From choosing a topic to writing a term paper or term paper" is available for independent learning.

Die Kurse dauern ca.90 Minuten.


  • Vorstellung der Hochschulbibliothek und Einführung in die Benutzung
  • Recherche in Bibliothekskatalogen (regionale und nationale)
  • Recherche in Datenbanken 
  • Übung in Gruppen: Literaturrecherchen in verschiedenen Katalogen und Datenbanken mit anschließender Präsentation der Ergebnisse


  • Pädagogik/Psychologie
  • Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften
  • Wirtschaft (Marketing)
  • Politik
  • Geschichte (20. Jahrhundert)
  • Philosophie
  • Kunst/Kunstgeschichte/Theater/Design
  • Architektur/Architekturgeschichte


Kursbuchungen sind in folgenden Monaten möglich: Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, August, September und Dezember.

Kontakt und Anmeldung:

Bitte melden Sie sich telefonisch oder per E-Mail bei Katharina Violet oder Heike Daßdorf an.

Bibliothek Universität Potsdam Stadt- und Landesbibliothek im Bildungsforum

Universitätskomplex I
Gebäude 10
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
(weitere Standorte in Golm und Babelsberg)

Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam


Kathrin Agethen
Telefon: 0331-977 4136/4149

Ronald Gohr
Telefon: 0331-289 6471

  • Sprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Latein)
  • Musik
  • Sport
  • Mathematik
  • Physik
  • Chemie
  • Biologie
  • Informatik
  • Geografie
  • Geschichte
  • Philosophie
  • Wirtschaft
  • Recht
  • Pädagogik/Psychologie
  • Stadtgeschichte Potsdam
  • Geschichte Land Brandenburg
  • Musik

Im Vordergrund steht die Arbeit mit Schüler*innen aus der Grundschule und Sekundarstufe I.

Information und Anmeldung

Information und Anmeldung Bibliothek Universität Potsdam

Information und Anmeldung Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Potsdam


Staff member Information Literacy, Training and Systematisation
Deputy Head
Staff member cataloguing and systematisation, information literacy and training, public relations, training