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Visiting Students

If you would like to complete or take supplementary modules or courses at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in the degree program you are studying, you can apply to become a visiting student at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam if the places are not needed up by enrolled students. A university entrance qualification and the admission requirements must be proven for this purpose.

Information about visiting students

Visiting students affiliated with a different university (Nebenhörer) are not enrolled, do not receive a student ID or a semester ticket.

Please note that it is not possible to guarantee a place for every degree program. This applies in particular to courses that are in high demand, so that the students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are not impaired in their use of the courses offered. In order to be eligible for the adjunct audience, students must prove that they have the qualifications required by the study and examination regulations to attend the courses.

Within the framework, credits can be earned in the courses and examinations can be taken. There is no legal entitlement to take examinations.

The secondary auditorship can be applied for until the beginning of the semester (see application) in the department of student affairs for one semester. An extension for being a visiting student must be applied for again.


  • Antrag auf Nebenhörerschaft (PDF, 273.28 KB)
    Antrag auf Nebenhörerschaft, wenn ich bereits an einer anderen Hochschule immatrikuliert bin und an der FHP Module/Kurse absolvieren möchte.


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