Semester time planning & timetables
Here you will find information on the organisation of your studies. In addition to dates for the semester, timetables and the plan for the block week, you will also find the deadlines for examinations and project events.
Semester timetable & dates
The framework planning of semester dates (lecture periods, examination weeks, course-free days) is specified for all teaching at the FH Potsdam under Study Organisation/Semester Time Planning. Departments can define their own dates and deadlines for individual degree programmes.
Timetables Summer Semester 2025
- Studierendenpläne SoSe 2025 für die Bachelorstudiengänge Archiv, Bibliothekswissenschaft, Informations- und Datenmanagement (PDF, 316.14 KB)© Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften
- Blockveranstaltungen 14. und 23. KW Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften (PDF, 165.02 KB)© Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften
Registration and cancellation deadlines for examinations and project events
- Anmelde- und Rücktrittsfristen im Sommersemester 2024, Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften (XLSX, 19.92 KB)© Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften

Course catalogue
Here you will find the annotated course offerings by weekday for all degree programmes in the Department of Information Sciences. Select your degree programme and then the semester whose courses you would like to see.
Information Sciences Department