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360° ZUKUNFT – Entrepreneurship School, Start-up Service & Career Entry

Person tanzt auf dem Campus mit blauem Hintergrund

360° ZUKUNFT is the contact point for FHP members seeking professional orientation or self-employment support.

Start-up counselling provides assistance in structuring and implementing your own start-up project. Additionally, the Flex modules of the FHP Entrepreneurship School offer training in management, business administration, or project development skills. Work@Heart programme participants are prepared to start their careers.


More events
31/03/2025, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

Social Media Marketing – Basic Knowledge for Designing a successful Digital Presence

First part
Zielgruppe: Students
Location: OnlineRoom via Zoom
07/04/2025, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm

Social Media Marketing – Basic Knowledge for Designing a successful Digital Presence

Second part
Zielgruppe: Students
Location: OnlineRoom via Zoom
Info Event
22/04/2025, 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm

Work@Heart: Open Consultation Hour for Career Guidance

Zielgruppe: University members, Students
Location: Online
Info Event
23/04/2025, 9.00 am – 10.30 am

Information Event: Social Insurance and Self-Employment

Zielgruppe: University members, Employees, Students
Location: OnlineRoom via Zoom

Our offers at a glance

The Central Academic Centre for Start-up Services and Management Qualifications (ZEGM) offers FHP members individual coaching on career-related topics as well as workshops and seminars on freelancing and management skills. We also support personal and career development, help with starting a career and building a valuable network. Our (co-)working spaces also enable professional teamwork and promote creative networking.

Flex Programme of the Entrepreneurship School

Teaching business basics, project development know-how, and entrepreneurship qualifications. The seminars promote skills for coping with future work situations and support business start-ups and freelance activities.

Lab & Co-Working Room

The multifunctional Entrepreneurship & Management Lab and another co-working space in the Rechenzentrum Potsdam offer founders and their teams the opportunity to develop start-up ideas, hold workshops and video pitches as well as project presentations.


Free seminars, workshops, and coaching on start-up-relevant, career-oriented topics as well as competence training for students of all departments, graduates, and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.


The german podcast "Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg: Entrepreneur*innen im Gespräch" offers insights into successful start-up projects from our metropolitan region with different focuses.

Incom & LinkedIn

Our workspace on the Incom communication platform provides internal news and important campus dates. On LinkedIn we stay in touch before, during, and after the foundation.

Start-up consulting & coaching

We place great importance on individual digital and analog advice and support for every start-up project. This includes not only initial feedback, a first reflection of all requirements for the entrepreneurial career but also the qualified support of the ideas up to the foundation.

Person tanzt auf dem fünfeckigen Symbol der ZEGM

Our newsletter

Regular updates and information about events on the topics of start-ups, self-employment, and entrepreneurship.

The newsletter is sent via the provider rapidmail. By registering, you confirm that you have read and accepted the data protection information of rapidmail. Your email address will not be passed on to third parties - it will only be stored for the purpose of delivering the newsletter. The newsletter will appear a maximum of once a month and can be canceled at any time.


More news


EXIST Women's Brunch: First Network Meeting of FHP Scholarship Holders

At the EXIST Women's Brunch, the 2024 and 2025 scholarship holders met for the first time to share their experiences.

Study & Teaching


Job Shadowing – Insights into Future Working Life

Job shadowing provides students with valuable insights into the everyday working life of their future profession. In the summer semester, a wide variety of companies/employers offer students the opportunity.



Career Week 2025: Job Search, Application, Networking and Co.

This year's Career Week gives students and graduates the opportunity to spend a week intensively dealing with all questions about starting a career. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is also taking part with workshops on the subject of job applications and balancing professional and private…



Lawyer and Start-Up Consultant Harald Keil in the Podcast Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg

"It always depends on the individual case": In this episode of "Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg", Harald Keil explains why this typical lawyer's phrase is nothing but the truth, even in the context of start-ups.

  • Wohnraum mit Laptop auf Kindertisch und Kuscheltieren

    Family & Self-Employment

    Family planning and starting a business don't go together? Many participants in our last survey expressed this fear. The fact is, however, that self-employment in particular makes it possible to flexibly arrange working hours or even to work completely from home.

    Reconciling family and career is a wish that can be fulfilled, and we offer comprehensive advice on this and, for example, coaching on the subject of "self- and time management".



  • Hand hält wachsende Pflanze in der Hand, die ein Eurozeichen darstellt

    Start-up Financing & Support

    One clear result of our last survey: women in particular feel inhibited by worries about sufficient start-up capital. In fact, there are numerous financing and funding options that enable a carefree start to self-employment. This begins with the legal form of the business, and extends to possible scholarships or the search for investors.

    Our start-up consultation provides an overview in the first meeting. Simply make an appointment by e-mail: grü


  • Mehrere Menschen sitzen leger am Tisch und arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Projekt

    Internship & Self-Employment

    How important is practical experience for starting a business? Opinions differ on this. For those who would like to get a taste of the day-to-day work of agencies, studios and workshops, etc., they can apply for an internship with our founders. Here, students learn first-hand what needs to be considered when founding a company after graduation. The internships that accompany your studies will be credited as part of the compulsory internship.

    If you are interested, simply send an e-mail to


  • Zeichnung einer Glühbirne im Zentrum mit kleineren Zeichnungen ringsherum

    Develop viable start-up ideas

    Dreaming of self-employment in the future - but the brilliant business idea is still missing? No problem: we offer various courses on all aspects of starting up and developing your own business. For example, the course "Pitch your green Idea", which focuses on sustainable business models. In the course "Innovation Management", students learn how to build knowledge-intensive companies, and the English-language course "Business Development", transforms fictional business ideas into feasible business models.

    To the Flex elective modules in Moodle

  • Frau sitzt mit Taschenrechner und Unterlagen am Laptop und arbeitet

    Knowledge gaps in business administration and marketing?

    How much knowledge of invoicing, bookkeeping, sales, tax and so on do you actually need to be self-employed? If you don't have the financial means to outsource these tiresome topics to professionals, you should have a certain amount of basic knowledge.

    However, as there is hardly any time for self-study during a full semester timetable, the basics of business administration can be learnt in the form of webinars or short workshops with us, for example as part of the "FLEX courses" or "GründungsWerkstatt" offers. And the best thing is: you even get credits for this.

    If you would rather fill in the gaps in your knowledge yourself or refresh what you have already learnt, you can use the "Sharepoint" learning platform to obtain comprehensive information on all topics relating to founding a company with video lectures, case studies and more. Access is via the Campus.aAccount.

  • Illustration einer Person die freudig in die Luft springt und dabei das Wort "impossible" zerstört, sodass nur "possible" zurückbleibt

    Self-employment on trial

    The majority of students agree on this: the risks of self-employment are too high or too difficult for them. "True!", we can only reply. But also: freelance work is an excellent way to test yourself during your studies as an additional source of income.

    Experience shows that many people stay with it after graduation, have a permanent job as an employee and self-employment as a sideline. We are happy to explain whether and how this is worthwhile in individual cases in a personal discussion.

    Personal experience reports and opinions of our trainers and coaches on this topic can be listened to in the Podcast "Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg".

Team & contact

ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01
Professor for Business Start-ups and Management Techniques
Head of Start-up Service
Project coordination ESF and EXIST, initial consultation
Content and social media marketing
Administration and project controlling Work@heart
Coordination Germany Scholarship

Funding information

EU Sterne auf blauem Hintergrund und Brandenburger Adler mit Schrifzug

Supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and the State of Brandenburg.

Logo FHP Entrepreneurship School Exist Förderlogos

EXIST – University-Based Business Start-Ups

EXIST is a support programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Logo des Deutschlandstipendiums


Das Deutschlandstipendium wird initiiert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.