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Study barrier-free

We would like to draw the attention of students with health impairments/disabilities to specific opportunities with regard to the realisation of equal opportunities at the university.

Studierende sitzen im Gras auf dem Campus der FH Potsdam

According to the social survey conducted by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 2021, 24 % of students surveyed at universities in Germany stated that they had a health impairment (FMER 2022, p. 42). Almost 16% of those surveyed reported that this impedes their studies, with almost 2/3 of these stating mental impairments (FMER 2022, p. 42 and 44). At the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam this statement also applies to students with disabilities.

No-one should be disadvantaged because of their disability.

Article 3 (3) sentence 2 of the Basic Law

Applying for compensation for disadvantages – How does it work?

The procedure for applying for measures to compensate for disadvantages is as follows:

The regulation on compensation for disadvantages at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can be found in § 2 of the framework examination regulations of the university of applied sciences, which apply to all departments and degree programmes. Paragraphs 3 and 5 are of interest to you:

"(3) Students with physical, mental or psychological impairments and disabilities shall, upon application, be granted appropriate compensation for disadvantages in relation to their disability in order to cope with study and examination achievements. This includes in particular
a. Authorisation of technical aids,
b. Extension of processing times,
c. Recognition of equivalent study and examination achievements in another form.

(5) Applications must be submitted to the examination board responsible for the degree programme, together with the relevant supporting documents. They should be submitted in good time before the start of the examination period and cannot be claimed retroactively. The decision to grant compensation for disadvantages is made by the examination board responsible for the degree programme. It must [...] and, in the case of decisions in accordance with para. 3, involve the representative for people with disabilities."

If required, I am also available for a further discussion by telephone or video chat.

I therefore recommend the following procedure:

First of all, find out which examination requirements are placed on you in which module in your degree programme. To do this, you should check the module handbook and/or the study and examination regulations for your degree programme to find out which type of examination is required for which module. If it is not clear to you whether the respective examination form poses a difficulty for you due to your limitations, I would recommend that you talk to the respective examiner or the student counselling service.

If you expect difficulties in taking individual examinations due to your impairment(s), you can apply for compensation for disadvantages in the attached application form. In the personal justification of your application for compensation for disadvantages, you should be specific enough about your impairment(s) to make it plausible for the examination board that you have barriers to taking the planned examinations and what these barriers are. You must also provide evidence of the impairment(s) on the basis of medical or therapeutic certificates.

You should also apply for specific measures to compensate for your disadvantage and specify which examination(s) in which module(s) are involved. The possibilities for compensating for disadvant ages are manifold, see the description on the website of the Deutsches Studentenwerk. It is important that the measure is suitable and necessary in the individual case to compensate for your individual disadvantage. It would be helpful if the medical or therapeutic certificate(s) submitted contained recommendations as to how your disadvantage(s) could be compensated for from a medical/therapeutic point of view. However, the decision-making authority lies with the examination board, which must also take into account in its decision that the measure to compensate for your disadvantage does not at the same time violate the equal opportunities of the other candidates in accordance with Article 3 of the German Basic Law.

You can then send the completed application together with the evidence of your impairment to me either by post or - waiving postal secrecy - by email together with the scanned evidence and the completed declaration of consent to data processing on the attached form (see Section 2 (5) of the Framework Regulations). I will then forward the application with a statement to the responsible examination board. However, this is only possible with the completed declaration of consent, without which I am not allowed to save your data. In order to be able to forward your application together with my statement to the examination board of your department, I also require a release from the duty of confidentiality and therefore ask that you tick the appropriate box in the declaration of consent. Otherwise your application may not be forwarded.

I will address this in my statement,

  • whether, in my opinion, an impairment has been comprehensibly explained in the personal statement and documented with corresponding certificates, findings or attestations,
  • whether a disability is comprehensible due to the barriers of the study programme or the specific examination and
  • whether the measures applied for or which measures are suitable to compensate for this disability.

Your certificates and findings enclosed as supporting documents will remain confidential and I will only include in my statement what is directly relevant to the three topics mentioned above. 

The examination board will then discuss your application and inform you directly of its decision. If the examination board believes that something is still missing, e.g. a medical certificate or similar, it will inform you and ask you to submit it.

Further counselling and support services

Social counselling of the Studierendenwerk Potsdam

The Studierendenwerk Potsdam offers free social counselling (not only) for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

Telephone consultation hours (+49 331 3706-254 or -251)

  • Monday to Thursday: 9.00 am – 3.00 pm
  • Friday: 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Personal consultation hours: (Babelsberger Str. 2, at the Long Bridge near the main railway station)

  • Tuesday: 9.00 – 12.00 am and 1.00 – 4.00 pm
  • Thursday: 1.00 – 4.00 pm

Counselling on participation needs outside the university

The Supplementary Independent Participation Counselling Service supports you with questions about participation. For example, if you have questions about assistance or aids or if you want to know what a participation plan is. There are two EUTB centres in and near Potsdam:

EUTB c/o DMSG LV Brandenburg e.V.
Jägerstraße 18 (city centre)
14467 Potsdam
+49 331 2709863

EUTB of the Centre for Culture and Visual Communication of the Deaf 
Arthur-Scheunert-Allee 2
EUTB , c/o ZFK e.V. House 2
14558 Nuthetal
+49 332 00513780 

Blog "Locating Your Soul"

"Locating Your Soul" is a blog by young editors who want to offer a platform to talk about experiences with mental illness as sufferers, relatives or friends. The aim of the blog: To encourage and educate, destigmatise the topic of "mental illness" and make it easier for those affected and their relatives to get help. It is organised by the platform of the federal association "Angehörige psychisch Erkrankter e.V.".

By students for students

The university group Nightline Potsdam offers the possibility for an anonymous telephone or chat conversation on Sundays to Thursdays from 21:00 - 24:00.

+49 331 977 1834

Counselling by the German Student Union

The counselling centre of the Deutsches Studentenwerk in Berlin offers a comprehensive reference work for students with disabilities.

Useful tips

Protection of personal data

As soon as you require support beyond information, e.g. the processing of your application for compensation for disadvantages, this is only possible for data protection reasons if you complete and sign the declaration of consent for data processing (PDF) and send it by e-mail or post. This is because the protection of personal data against unauthorised processing is a fundamental right. Health data in particular is subject to particularly strict protection in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Without your consent, your data may not be stored and may not be transmitted to the examination board without the ticked release from the duty of confidentiality. However, you can withdraw your consent at any time if and to the extent that you no longer wish to receive support.

Further information on individual compensation for disadvantages at the FH Potsdam can be found on the pages of the Study Service.

Making teaching materials accessible

The University of Potsdam's video tutorials provide an insight into the accessible design of digital teaching materials. This means that students with disabilities, including those with visual or hearing impairments, can use the digitally provided texts, videos or online lectures without any hurdles.


Contact person

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement

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