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Construction Planning

The building representative accompanies and supervises all building projects and renovation measures at the university as the user's representative or handles small projects on his or her own.

Function & Tasks

He represents the cost-, deadline- and function-related interests of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam vis-à-vis the ministries responsible for the building as well as the Brandenburg State Office for Real Estate and Construction (BLB) and coordinates the respective scientific and administrative/technical departments of the university involved. In addition, the building officer accompanies the work of the commissioned architects and specialist engineers on an informal basis.

In concrete terms, the building officer assumes the following tasks:

  • Internal university responsibility for support in the planning, coordination of large and small building projects
  • Handling new construction projects in accordance with RBBau and RLBau
  • Ensuring project goals with quality, schedule and cost control
  • Coordinating building maintenance measures on the campus grounds with the HGP department
  • Demand planning, monitoring and project planning, diagnosis and evaluation
  • Optimisation of construction-related internal procedures and documentation structures