Digital Teaching – Services for Media Didactics and E-Learning
Do you need media-didactic support in designing and implementing your online classroom? Would you like to expand your digital skills in the classroom through further training and self-learning courses? You would like to be informed about current developments in digital teaching and strategic further developments of digital teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? The Team Digital Teaching is the first point of contact for all lecturers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam who would like to inform themselves about, further educate and develop themselves in the field of digital teaching.
Our Services
Desire for further training
Here you can find out which further education and self-learning courses we are currently offering. You will also find numerous other opportunities for further training.
Teaching Moodle Course
We inform you about current developments in digital teaching and offers at the University of Applied Sciences via the Teaching Moodle course. There you will receive regular newsletters on digital teaching. If you are new to teaching at the FHP, send us an email and we will register you.
First-level-support for lecturers / HelpDesk-Wiki
In our public HelpDesk Wiki you will find many handouts and tutorials on the use of Moodle in digital teaching. The ZESL student e-learning team maintains the HelpDesk wiki and offers first-level support. Regular Moodle support is provided by decentralised Moodle supervisors.
Online exams
Would you like to conduct online examinations as a lecturer? You can find all the information about our services and support here.
Teaching Moodle Course
We inform you about current developments in digital teaching and offers at the University of Applied Sciences via the Teaching Moodle course. There you will receive regular newsletters on digital teaching. If you are new to teaching at the FHP, send us an email and we will register you.
Teaching Moodle Course
We inform you about current developments in digital teaching and offers at the University of Applied Sciences via the Teaching Moodle course. There you will receive regular newsletters on digital teaching. If you are new to teaching at the FHP, send us an email and we will register you.
Projects of ZEDI
Moodle Exam
In a pilot project from 2022 to the end of 2025, online exams will be implemented didactically, legally, technically and organizationally at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.
A separate online examination instance called Exam was developed for this purpose.
New media in structural engineering
Multimedia, web-based and interactive access to study-relevant content in structural engineering.
KI;learn, (self-)learning courses for structural engineering
Digital occupational safety
The project "Occupational Safety and Health Digital" made an important contribution to the further training of staff and lecturers in digital teaching. Web-based trainings on the topic of occupational safety and health in the wood workshop were created as part of the project. The trainings and accompanying materials are made available free of charge as OER materials for subsequent use. Target groups include applied universities, technical-oriented schools, vocationally-oriented further education providers and craft enterprises.
Feedback Box
Feedback on courses: fast and anonymous.
An open-source plug-in for Moodle – developed during the digital semester and co-developed by students in cooperation with the Team Digital Teaching Unit at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.