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Scholarships – With the Right Funding to Graduate

With the help of scholarships, a large number of foundations and funding organisations provide financial and non-material support to students and doctoral candidates during their studies. Scholarship databases enable a targeted search for suitable funding opportunities for pupils, students and graduates.

Scholarship Databases

Students and graduates of the Social Work programme at the EAH Jena have compiled a comprehensive guide on the topic of scholarships/study financing with

Federal Association of German Foundations

The free online foundation search of the Association of German Foundations includes around 10,000 foundations with their own internet address that are active in Germany.

DAAD scholarships

The scholarship database includes the programmes offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and other funding organisations for prospective foreign students who are looking for funding opportunities for a study or research stay in Germany. Or German students who want to do a semester or internship abroad. Scholarship Database

In the database, 800 scholarships from 400 foundations, colleges, universities and other institutions can be searched for a suitable scholarship.


In der Datenbank von EURAXESS sind verschiedene Job- und Stipendienangebote für Wissenschaft und Forschung in Deutschland, Europa und anderen Regionen der Welt gelistet.

My Stipendium

My Stipendium hat mehr als 3.000 Stipendienprogramme in ihrer Datenbank gelistet. Nach einer Registrierung auf der Webseite kann zudem das eigene Profil mit den jeweiligen Stipendien abgeglichen werden.


The Stifterverband is a joint initiative of the business community and, with 3,000 members, the largest private business sponsor in Germany. In the foundation database, you can search for suitable scholarship providers among 600 foundations.


Stipendiumplus offers a detailed compilation of the major organisations for the promotion of gifted students in Germany and their offers and programmes.


In addition to general information on studying and financing studies, the information portal offers an extensive table of scholarship providers, which lists, among other things, the funding categories and the requirements for funding.

Sponsorships, Foundations & Scholarships

Graduation scholarship for female students with family responsibilities

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam sponsors up to five female students with family responsibilities in the final phase of their studies with 300 euros per month.

From October for the summer semester

Contact person:
Sandra Cartes, Equal Opportunities Officer


The central goal of the Avicenna-Studienwerk is the comprehensive support of talented Muslim students and doctoral candidates through scholarships. In addition to financial support, the scholarships include a diverse idealistic programme.

Application deadlines:
By the 1st of April for the winter semester
Until the  1st of October for the summer semester


Students of Catholic denomination can apply for a scholarship from the Cusanuswerk every year until 1 July. The Cusanuswerk supports students and doctoral candidates who demonstrate outstanding performance and social commitment. In addition to financial support, a broad educational programme is offered.

Application deadlines:
By 1st of August for the summer semester.

Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Raters

DAAD Graduation Scholarship

The International Office awards end-of-study scholarships (STIBET) to international students every year from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds in the amount of 300 euros/month for three months.

Application deadline:
July for the winter semester

International Office

Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Villigst

The Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst is the scholarship programme for gifted students of the Protestant churches in Germany. It supports students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines at universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany.

Applications are open to young people who are not only good in their field of study, but also want to take social responsibility and are willing to look beyond their own horizons. At the time of application, they must not have exceeded their 3rd semester.

Currently 3 students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are sponsored, in the past 4 others.

Application deadlines:
15/04/ – 01/09/ for the summer semester.
10/10/ – 01/03/ for the winter semester

Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Paul Püschel, University of Potsdam, Chair of Biochemistry and Nutrition

Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk

In accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) supports particularly gifted Jewish students and doctoral candidates with German citizenship, citizenship of an EU member state or the status of a Bildungsinländer as defined by §8 German Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) for their education at state and state-recognised universities. Applications from non-Jewish students are possible.

Application deadlines:
01/04/ – 01/06/ for the winter semester
01/10/ – 01/12/ for the summer semester.

Liaison lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Klaus S. Davidowicz (University of Potsdam – School of Jewish Theology / University of Vienna - Institute for Jewish Studies)
Dr. Olaf Glöckner (Moses Mendelssohn Centre Potsdam)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Daniel Krochmalnik (Institute for Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam)
Prof. Dr. Julius Schoeps (Moses Mendelssohn Centre Potsdam)

Friedrich Ebert Foundation

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has been supporting students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines for over 95 years. The requirements for applying for a scholarship are socio-political commitment, identification with the values of social democracy and above-average grades.

We particularly encourage applications from people who are the first in their family to study (first-time graduates), women, students at universities of applied sciences, students of MINT subjects and people from immigrant families. In addition to financial support, the FES offers its scholarship holders non-material support within the framework of an extensive socio-political education programme and integration into its large international network.

Currently student of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is sponsored, in the past 9 others.

Application deadlines:
01/04/ – 30/04/ for the winter semester.
01 /10/ – 31/10/ for the summer semester

Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schröder, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is the liberal scholarship provider in Germany. One of the core tasks of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation is the ideational and material support of young liberal academics.

The scholarships are open to students of all subjects. The selection criteria are merit, personality, liberal or social commitment.

Application deadlines:
01/04/ – 30/04/ for the winter semester.
01/10 – 31/10/ for the summer semester

Heinrich Böll Foundation

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is the Green political foundation. Under the motto "Tailwind for Talents", it sponsors around 1,000 students and 200 doctoral candidates of all disciplines and types of universities from Germany and abroad who have a positive attitude towards the goals of the Green project.

The aim of the sponsorship is to support future specialists and managers who assume social responsibility, who are politically interested and who act as multipliers for the Foundation's basic political values - ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self-determination and justice.

Application deadlines:

  • 01/03/ for the winter semester
  • 01/09/ for the summer semester

Prof. Dr. Ellen Euler, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Ines Sonder, University of Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Joachim Gessinger, University of Potsdam / e-mail:
Prof Dr Gert Zöller, University of Potsdam / e-mail:
Prof. Dr. Vera Kirchner, University of Potsdam / e-mail:

Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The Christian Democratic Konrad Adenauer Foundation supports talented students from Germany and abroad who are willing to perform. The young people are to be prepared to take on responsibility in politics and business, in science and the media, in the cultural sector and in associations. It is one of the largest German organisations for the promotion of gifted students, offering various scholarships and support programmes.

Application deadlines:
By 15/07/ for the winter semester.
By 15/01/ for the summer semester

Prof. Dr. Detlev Belling, University of Potsdam, Chair of Civil Law, Labour and Social Law
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brechenmacher, University of Potsdam, Chair of German-Jewish History

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation sees itself as part of the fundamental intellectual current of democratic socialism. With its scholarship programme, it supports students and doctoral candidates at German universities who distinguish themselves through high academic achievements as well as through a current pronounced social and societal commitment in the sense of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

The aim is to contribute to democracy, social justice and solidarity as well as to the equalisation of social, gender or ethnic disadvantages through political education.

Application deadlines:
By 01/04/ for the winter semester.
By 01/10/ for the summer semester

Prof. Dr. Manfred Liebel,  University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe, University of Potsdam, Chair of Social Structure Analysis and Social Inequality
Prof. Dr. habil. Raimund Krämer, University of Potsdam, Adjunct Chair for International and Comparative Political Science

Hans Böckler Foundation

The Hans Böckler Foundation is the co-determination, research and study support organisation of the German Trade Union Confederation. It supports talented students who are involved in trade union or socio-political activities through scholarships.

Application deadlines:
15/05/ – 01/07/ for the winter semester
15/12/ – 01/02/ for the summer semester.

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schmidt-Wenzel, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Department of Social and Educational Sciences Department
Prof. Dr. Stephan Thomas, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Department of Social and Educational Sciences Department

Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft

The Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW) is the foundation that is close to business and employers. With various funding programmes, including one for student teachers, it supports high-achieving students and doctoral candidates with a public spirit and entrepreneurial spirit. Funding is available for all disciplines.

Application deadline:
01/01/ – 31/03/ for the winter semester

Hanns Seidel Foundation

University, University of Applied Sciences and doctoral students can apply to the Hanns Seidel Foundation for a scholarship by the 31st of May or 30th of November each year. Students who can demonstrate above-average academic performance and at the same time are demonstrably committed to social, church, cultural or political activities have a good chance of being accepted for the scholarship.

Application deadlines:
15/06/ – 15/07/ for the winter semester
15/12/ – 15/01/ for the summer semester.

Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brechenmacher, University of Potsdam, Chair of German-Jewish History

Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

The Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) is the oldest and largest foundation for the promotion of gifted students in Germany. It provides its scholarship holders with a wide range of opportunities to deepen their academic knowledge, to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue and to gain international experience. Scholarship holders are selected and supported independently of political, ideological and religious guidelines. Scholarship holders can be nominated or they can apply themselves by taking a test. The application phase for self-application always begins in January.

German Academic Exchange Service

With its scholarships, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) aims to support foreign students, graduates, doctoral candidates and young researchers whose previous scientific and academic achievements place them at least in the top third of their cohort and who can also be expected to be among the top performers in their professional field in the future and who are aware of their associated social responsibility.

SBB Scholarship for experienced professionals

The scholarship programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports skilled workers with vocational training and several years of practical experience in their first higher education studies – full-time or part-time.

Full-time studies are funded with 861 euros per month plus 80 EUR book allowance. In addition, there is a care allowance for children under 14 years of age (150 euros for each child). For part-time students, the subsidy is 2,700 euros per calendar year. The benefits are a lump sum and are not dependent on income. It is possible to apply even before beginning a course of study. Those who have already been in employment for many years are also eligible for an advancement scholarship. There is an online application period in spring and autumn respectively.

Application deadlines:
22/03/ – 06/06/ for the winter semester
01/08/ – 31/10/ for the summer semester

Student contact person:
Tobias Breu, Conservation and Restauration


Many training stays abroad are eligible for funding under the BAföG and do not shorten the domestic funding. Further information on funding programmes and scholarships for studying abroad can also be found on the website of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.


The idealistic scholarship programme of the Deutschlandstiftung Integration is aimed at talented young people with a migration biography who want to help shape society through commitment and responsibility as part of a strong network. With a mentoring programme, workshops, seminars and networking events, the young talents are accompanied on their way to starting their careers.


Student Financing

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