Conservation and Restauration
The programme offers three fields of study, which are distinguished by material-specific and technological characteristics: Wood, Stone, Mural Painting. The direct contact with the university's courses in architecture and urban planning, cultural work and civil engineering and the practical connection to the surrounding monuments, museums, buildings and works of art in the UNESCO World Heritage city of Potsdam, the state of Brandenburg and the capital city of Berlin form optimal framework conditions.
Study Conservation and Restauration
Bachelor's Programme
In the first semesters, the Bachelor's degree programme provides basic knowledge in the preservation of historic buildings and focuses on wood, stone and mural painting.
Master's Programme
The Master's programme deepens students' knowledge and skills, qualifying them for a higher qualification for independent and competent professional practice.
25 Years of Conservation and Restauration

In 2020, the degree programme Conservation and Restauration celebrated its 25th anniversary. To mark this occasion, a brochure was produced that tells the story of the degree programme, presents the fields of study in detail and gives you insights into the everyday life of the degree programme and the teaching formats.
Download brochure
Job Profiles
"In the trio of art historians, natural scientists and restorers who today are essentially concerned with conservation and restoration issues, the latter differs decisively from the other two in that he is the only one who lends a hand to the original to a greater extent.
This not only gives him a special responsibility in the technical and manual area, but also in his ideal function as protector and preserver of the works of art entrusted to him. (...) The work of art needs an advocate to protect it from the worst abuse.
Here, the restorer has a special responsibility, as he is the only one who, due to his training, but also due to his interests and his individual knowledge of the object, can weigh and judge to what extent a work of art can withstand the strains placed upon it or will suffer irreparable damage in the process."
Bruno Heimberg, Das Selbstverständnis des Restaurators. Ein Versuch der Standortbestimmung, in: Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung Heft 2/1994, Worms 1994, pp. 340-344.
More newsNews
Registration: Long Night of Writing for FHP students
On 4th of April, as part of the Long Night of Libraries in Germany, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences will be taking part in the traditional ‘Long Night of Writing’. This is organised by the student counselling service and the library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. This is…
Don't miss out: Language courses for FHP students starting soon
Double benefit during your studies: The VHS Potsdam and the FHP offer students language courses for which 50% of the course fees are reimbursed and up to 5 credits can be credited. Find out more and enrol now!
Job Shadowing – Insights into Future Working Life
Job shadowing provides students with valuable insights into the everyday working life of their future profession. In the summer semester, a wide variety of companies/employers offer students the opportunity.
Press release
Basic research on the high-fired plaster screed of the monastery church of St Marien and Cyprian in Nienburg (Saale)
In the monastery church of St Mary and St Cyprian in Nienburg (Salzland district), a very special late Romanesque gem has been preserved in the form of a richly decorated high-fired plaster screed floor. Discovered as early as 1926, there have been several attempts in the past to restore and present…
More eventsLong Night of Writing
Work@Heart: Open Consultation Hour for Career Guidance
Information Event: Social Insurance and Self-Employment
Online Workshop – Data Science and Digital Literacy
Study Advisory Stone
Consultation appointments:
- 10th of October 2024: 11.30 am
- 24th of October 2024: 11.30 am
- 7th of November 2024: 11.30 am
- 8th of November 2024: at the DENKMAL trade fair in Leipzig all day
- 21st of November 2024: 11.30 am
- 28th of November 2024: 11.30 am
- 5th of December 2024: 11.30 am
- 12th of December 2024: 11.30 am
- 19th of December 2024: 11.30 am
- 6th of January 2025: 11.30 am
- 23rd of January 2025: 11:30 am
Appointments can also be made individually upon
registration: Please register in advance by email to to receive a registration confirmation.
Location: Laboratory and workshop building/Room 243
Study Advisory Wood
Consultation appointments:
- 20th of September 2024: 9.00 am
- 1st of October 2024: 11.00 am
- 10th of October 2024: 9.00 am
- 21st of October 2024: 5.00 pm
- 14th of November 2024: 9.00 am
- 18th of November 2024: 5.00 pm
- 12th of December 2024: 9.00 am
- 16th of December 2024: 5.00 pm
- 6th of January 2025: 5.00 pm
- 15th of January 2025: 11.00 am
- 20th of January 2025: 5.00 pm
Registration: Please book by email with details of contact information:
Location: Laboratory and workshop building/Room 064
Study Advisory Mural Painting
Consultation hours:
- Thursday, the 24th of October 2024, 10.00 am – 11.00 am
- Thursday, the 14th of November 2024, 10.00 am – 11.00 am
- Thursday, the 28th of November 2024, 10.00 am – 11.00 am
- Thursday, the 5th of December 2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
- Thursday, the 12th of December 2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
- Thursday, the 19th of December 2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
- Thursday, the 16th of January 2025, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Registration: Please register with me in advance by email:
Location: Laboratory and workshop building/Room 247 – 248