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Video Conferences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

There are various systems available for videoconferencing, which differ in the range of functions.

Available services


Zoom is very suitable for larger events. Access is also possible for participants without an account.

Microsoft Teams

For collaborative working and video conferencing. Files can be shared and edited together very easily.

Big Blue Button

A video conferencing solution operated at the university itself. This is less problematic from a data protection point of view, but has fewer functions. It is less suitable for very large meetings or with many active cameras.

It can be used from Moodle or via its own interface.

ZEDI has compiled information on its use.


DFN also offers a videoconferencing service that university members and relatives can use.

This is offered in compliance with the DSGVO, but is not designed for e-learning. For this purpose, the DFN also offers Adobe Connect.


Central IT

Room 2.24 bis 2.30
Deputy Head of IT
Adminstrator Infrastructure