Lending & Return

The library is a lending library. The majority of the media stock is therefore available for individual literature work independent of location. In addition, the service of interlibrary loan from the stocks of other libraries is available.
What can you borrow?
Books in the open access collection whose shelfmark begins with an "11" (white shelfmark label) can be borrowed for 20 opening days and renewed twice, provided they have not been reserved and the loan period has not yet expired.
The shelfmark "10" (red shelfmark label) indicates books in the reference collection that cannot be borrowed. In general, literature from the reference collections or the reference holdings cannot be borrowed.
Journals are not borrowed. It is possible to make copies.
Diploma, Bachelor and Master theses
Theses cannot be borrowed. It is possible to copy or scan parts of the theses. The library's collection contains theses that have been awarded the overall grades "Very good" and "Good".
Storage media without accompanying literature can be borrowed for 20 opening days and can be renewed twice, provided that no reservation has been made and the loan period has not yet expired. If the medium is to be classified as accompanying material, a loan is made in accordance with the "main" medium.
Literature held in the library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can be researched, reserved and borrowed on site or online. In order to use this service, you must be registered as a user.
Interlibrary loan
Is the literature you are looking for not in the collection of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? You can obtain publications from other libraries via interlibrary loan.
The media can be extended one week before the expiry of the loan period, provided they have not been earmarked. The extended loan period is attached to the date of issue. The media can be extended twice.
Students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam who are writing their diploma, bachelor's or master's thesis can apply for an extended loan period after submitting their confirmed topic. This is 40 opening days as well as an extension if there is no reservation.
Media that are marked as borrowed in the catalogue of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam library can be reserved if they do not belong to a special location, such as: "Handapparat" or the status "Dauerausleihe".
If the desired item is on loan, please click on the term order under availability. A new window will open asking for your user number and password. Please enter these and confirm the entry. The copy is then reserved for you. When the reserved copy arrives at the library, you will automatically be informed by e-mail. You can then collect your order from us within the following ten opening days. If you do not pick up your order, it will be removed from your library account.
Loan account, user account and user data
The user data can be accessed on the pages of the library catalogue (FHPKat) under the account tab. If you click on this button, a new window will open. Here you will be asked for your user number and password. Please enter this data. Confirm the entry. Once you have logged in, you can view the following information here:
My account balance: Here you can renew your borrowed items and view borrowed items, reserved items, orders, fees, etc.
My user data: Here you can view your user data and can also change them, such as the preset password.
My search settings: Here you can adjust the preset search mask to your needs.
Drei Tage vor Ablauf der Rückgabefrist erhalten Sie eine Mail zur Erinnerung an das Fristende.
Die Abgabe der Medien kann während der Öffnungszeiten in der Bibliothek an der Ausleihtheke erfolgen. Außerhalb der Öffnungszeiten können die Medien in eine Rückgabebox eingeworfen werden. Die Rückgabebox befindet sich vor der Bibliothek, neben der Eingangstür.
We remind you to return overdue media after the loan period has been exceeded with the first two reminders by e-mail and from the third reminder by post. At this point, fees have already been incurred according to the fee schedule ! You can check the fees on your account via your user data. If your fees amount to 20.00 euros or more, borrowing and reservations are no longer possible. In this case, please pay the fees as soon as possible.
Signatures at a Glance
The library's total holdings are made up of several subholdings. For this reason, we have several types of signatures.