Work@Heart – Successful career entry in Brandenburg

Work@Heart is a student guide, coaching and mentoring programme and a catalyst for career guidance. Insights into promising companies in Brandenburg, skills training and qualification opportunities increase the chances of a successful career start – possibly even a dream job.
From the seminar room to the job interview
The fact is: working is more than earning money. After all, your job accounts for a large part of your life and therefore also your quality of life. Work is part of your own mindset and your job reflects this. Why should we settle for less? We want more ...

Take off in Brandenburg!
The state of Brandenburg offers excellent conditions for a good work-life balance: nature, culture and a good infrastructure allow any lifestyle to flourish. Progressive working time models, cosmopolitanism, sustainability and proximity to the metropolis of Berlin turn Brandenburg into an attractive place to work, which attracts the start-up scene for good reason. So it's worth it: Work@Heart4Brandenburg!
Work@Heart is a combination of different modules, most of which can be used independently of each other and at any point during the degree programme. Students can only apply for the certificate programme from the 3rd semester onwards.
Work@Heart is therefore suitable for all those who want to analyse their study and job goals and become a professional part of Brandenburg.
Planning tool for career entry
Work@Heart can do more than just recommend and mediate. The programme offers participants special advisory and qualification services – from the first to the last semester.
The three components "career advice and planning, certificate programme and the accompanying event concept" are geared towards individual requirements and life circumstances. This also enables students with families or English-speaking students, for example, to take part in the programme. It is possible to join the programme at any time, up to a maximum of 1 year after graduation. Only the certificate programme is limited to participation from the 3rd semester and for a period of one year.
Focus on the essentials
Students who need space for stress-free and undisturbed work have work and meeting places or co-working spaces available in the Entrepreneurship & Management Lab on campus and in the computer centre. If you are interested, simply send an email to
Job Shadowing – Einblicke in den zukünftigen Arbeitsalltag
Beim Job Shadowing erhalten Studierende einen Tag lang spannende Einblicke in ihr mögliches zukünftiges Berufsfeld. Dafür öffnen Einrichtungen oder Unternehmen ihre Türen und ermöglichen ein Reinschnuppern in verschiedene Bereiche bzw. Abteilungen. Das kann am Ende sehr aufschlussreich für die eigene berufliche Orientierung sein und Chancen zu weiterführenden Praktika oder gar mögliche Jobperspektiven für die Zukunft eröffnen.

Diese Arbeitgeber*innen freuen sich auf ein Beschatten durch interessierte Studierende, die ihren Fachkräften über die Schulter blicken:
- Job Shadowing bei Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
- Job Shadowing beim XJAZZ Musikfestivals BERLIN
- Job Shadowing im Waschhaus Potsdam
- Job Shadowing im Lindenpark Potsdam
- Job Shadowing bei Radio Teddy
- Job Shadowing bei Selux GmbH
- Job Shadowing bei Landesbetrieb Straßenwesen
- Job Shadowing bei HAUK Stahl- und Leichtmetallbau GmbH
- Job Shadowing bei Kasimir Bau
- Job Shadowing bei der Gemeinde Brieselang
- Job Shadowing bei Oberstufenzentrum Sozialwesen mit dem Sozialarbeiter Andrés Lemos
- Job Shadowing bei Kindheitspädagogin und Tagespflegemutter Anne Päts
Termine hierfür können flexibel vereinbart werden. Interessierte melden sich bitte via E-Mail:
More eventsSocial Media Marketing – Basic Knowledge for Designing a successful Digital Presence
Social Media Marketing – Basic Knowledge for Designing a successful Digital Presence
Work@Heart: Open Consultation Hour for Career Guidance
Information Event: Social Insurance and Self-Employment
ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit
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