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Associated Institutions of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The associated institutions provide thematic advice and support to other areas, for example in the areas of digitisation, archives and libraries, and open access.

Institutions of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Brandenburg-digital Coordination Office

The Brandenburg-digital coordination office is an institution of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and part of the digital agenda of the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture. It advises and supports cultural institutions in the state of Brandenburg in initiating and implementing Brandenburg digitisation projects. The coordination office oversees the state-wide and cross-sectoral initiatives of the working group, which forms the basis of the cooperation and competence network.

Brandenburg State Agency for Archives and Public Libraries

The Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries is an institution of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences and is affiliated with the information sciences department. With various services, it supports archives and public libraries in the state and their sponsors in striving for a uniform professional standard. The services offered include archive and library advice, the creation and implementation of professional training and qualification opportunities and the provision of a wide range of information.

Networking and Competence Centre Open Access Brandenburg

The Brandenburg Open Access Networking and Competence Centre was established at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as a measure to implement the Brandenburg open access strategy. It is funded by the state's Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) and supports Brandenburg's colleges and universities in designing free, digital access to scientific publications. It also advises and networks stakeholders and makes open access activities in the state of Brandenburg more visible. In doing so, it also works together with the Centre of Brandenburg Universities for Digital Transformation.

Other associated institutions

Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies

The Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies is a joint research institution of the universities in the state of Brandenburg. Its tasks include the promotion and networking of research in the field of media studies, academic, interdisciplinary exchange and knowledge transfer, and the creation of a structured offer for young academics. The aim is to provide new impulses for research and teaching and to initiate a public dialogue on the role of the media.

Network Study Quality Brandenburg

The Network Study Quality Brandenburg is an association of higher education institutions in the state of Brandenburg. It offers a wide range of continuing education programmes in higher education didactics as well as individual counselling for Brandenburg's university teachers. The aim is the continuous quality development of teaching at the universities. The network supports teachers in improving their teaching and trying out new teaching formats, as well as encouraging collegial exchange and transfer of teaching ideas at degree programme or department level.

Selected Projects from the institutions

Digital Cultural Heritage as an Economic Factor in Cultural Zourism KEW@T (2020)

KWE@T is an application-oriented research project for linking digital content from the field of cultural heritage and cultural tourism in the state of Brandenburg. The cooperation project between University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg GmbH (TMB) is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the State of Brandenburg.

Digitisation of Archival Material in the Brandenburg State Archives (BLHA)

Gentle digitisation and sustainable use of digitised files.