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We care! Relief and Close Support in the Case of Care

More and more students and employees at our university of applied sciences are accompanying family members in the event of illness, disability or old age. We are focussing on this care task, taking a close look and developing measures that can provide appropriate support.

Grüner Kreis mit einem Herz aus Worten zum Thema Pflege

Your paths to care

Caring for a relative can be a fulfilling and meaningful task that gives you the opportunity to give something back to your relative, deepen your relationship and expand your own abilities. At the same time, caring for a relative can also be a huge burden, requiring a lot of time, energy, patience and money. That's why it's important that you don't feel alone, but that you get help and support when you need it.
There are many different offers and services that can help you with caring for relatives. At the FHP, we offer you a range of support measures, whether preventative, reactive or acute. But even in the urban or rural counselling landscape, the variety of care services on offer often creates the feeling of a care jungle. The following pages will give you some orientation.

As part of the FHP Health Day in May 2024, we worked with university members to collect terms that they themselves associate with the topic of "caring for relatives". Words from their personal care experience were included in the collection, as well as common terms from general usage. This graphic thus reflects the reality of life for carers at our university of applied sciences.

Offers at a glance

Pflegemappe is an initiative of the FAMteam at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and aims to offer support and guidance to university members who are caring for relatives. The aim is to create low-threshold access to legal regulations, advice centres and care settings so that caring for relatives can be better integrated into everyday life.

The FAMteam at the FH Potsdam offers specialised advice and support for university members who are caring for relatives in addition to their studies or work. We understand that this can be a major challenge and are committed to providing you with guidance and help to better reconcile study, work and caring responsibilities.

The workshops are specifically designed to provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills that will support and strengthen you in caring for your relatives.

Offers at the FHP:

Four times a year, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers workshops on a wide range of topics in cooperation with various counselling centres. This offers university members a platform for exchanging experiences, imparting specialist knowledge and developing solutions tailored to the individual needs and challenges of carers. Through our cooperation with "Pflege in Not" and the "Pflegestützpunkt Potsdam", we guarantee you access to expert knowledge and the opportunity to network with other carers and benefit from their experiences. You are invited to get actively involved and take the opportunity to expand your skills. Experienced speakers will guide you through the various topics and offer valuable insights and guidance. Together, we want to create an environment in which knowledge and support go hand in hand to improve the quality of life of those in need of care and their carers.

Current workshop offers can be found on our FAMteam homepage under "Dates".

External offers:

Care courses: Online care courses are a good way for family carers to continue their education and receive practical tips for everyday care. There are various providers of free online care courses that you can use. Here are some examples:

  • Caring for relatives: This website offers you free online care courses with a certificate on various topics, such as the basics of home care, dementia, stroke or Parkinson's disease. You can complete the courses at any time and at your own pace.
  • The TK-PflegeCoach: This online care course is offered by Techniker Krankenkasse and is available free of charge to anyone who is interested. The course teaches you the most important home care skills using videos, photos, texts and testimonials. You can use the course without registering.
  • BARMER: This website offers various free care courses for relatives, such as group courses, online training or individual counselling. You can find out about the different course formats, dates and registration options.
  • Workshop series "I care - for myself too": This is an offer from the Berlin Centre of Competence for Care Support, which offers you a series of workshops consisting of eight modules that build on each other. The workshop series shows you ways of coping with challenges in the care situation and offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas with those affected.
  • The "Helping to help" training series is an interactive seminar programme developed by the German Alzheimer Society e.V. especially for family carers of people with dementia.

The Care Café is a wonderful opportunity for members of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam who are caring for relatives to meet in a relaxed and supportive environment. It takes place once a month and offers the opportunity to share personal experiences, get advice and network with others in similar situations.

At the Care Café you can:

Share experiences: talk to others who understand what it means to be a carer and share your own stories and solutions.

Find support: Discover new resources and get practical tips that can help you in your everyday life.

Experience community: Don't feel alone with your challenges and build a network of support.

The café offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere where you can relax and gain valuable insights at the same time. It is a place of calm and understanding where you can feel heard and supported.

On 12/12/2024 we will start our Care Café in the family corridor (room to be announced).

The concept of care mentors at the FH Potsdam is a valuable resource for university members who take on caring responsibilities for their relatives. Carer mentors are empathetic and supportive individuals who volunteer to accompany students and employees of the university who are involved in caring for relatives.

The aim of the care mentors is to create a caring and supportive community that helps carers to better cope with their challenges and reduce feelings of isolation. They help carers feel less alone and strengthen their well-being by showing them that their work is valued and that they are part of a supportive community.

Carer mentors

The "Day of Care" is an essential part of the annual Health Days at the FH Potsdam, which is specifically dedicated to the important topic of caring for relatives. On this day, we focus on raising awareness of the challenges and needs of university members who are carers and developing tailored offers that provide support and relief.

The activities and offers on "Carers' Day" include:

Information events: Expert presentations and workshops providing insights into legal principles, financial support options and practical tips for caring at home.

Counselling services: Personal counselling sessions with professionals who will answer individual questions and address specific situations.

Exchange opportunities: Discussion rounds and networking events that promote exchange between family carers and provide a platform for mutual support.

The aim of the "Day of Care" is to create a comprehensive programme that covers the various aspects of caring for relatives and offers practical solutions for reconciling work, study and caring responsibilities. It is important to us that everyone involved feels informed, supported and valued.

- Semester of leave due to caring for relatives

- Compensation for disadvantages

- Graduation scholarship

  • Ratgeber: Studieren mit Pflegeveantwortung (PDF, 566.95 KB)
    In Kooperation des Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung mit der AG Pflege im Verein "Familie in der Hochschule" wurde der digitale Ratgeber aus der Reihe „CHE kurz + kompakt“ zum Thema Studium und Pflegeverantwortung entwickelt. Er wendet sich an Studierende, bietet Informationen und benennt erste Ansätze für Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten. Darüber hinaus kann er einen Beitrag leisten, alle Hochschulangehörigen – nicht nur Beratende, sondern auch Lehrende und Mitarbeitende der Studienverwaltungen – für das Thema zu sensibilisieren.


Your contact to the FAMteam

The family office offers counselling on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30 am – 1.00 pm by appointment. If you would like to make an appointment or request counselling outside of office hours, please write to with your request and how we can best reach you. In order to make the consultations as personal as possible, we also offer video consultations via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.