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FH Potsdam Supporters' Association

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association supports the university in its development and serves to promote science, research and art.

Recognised association
Sponsored projects
Logo Brandenburgische Ingenieurkammer
Logo Handwerkskammer Potsdam
Logo Streitbörger
Logo Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg

Latest news

More news
Campus life


New FHP XMAS Sweater

At the start of the pre-Christmas period, the sponsoring company presents a new Christmas jumper.

Campus life


An Evening in Black and White – Black White Dinner of the FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association

Following the general meeting, the Black White Dinner for members of the FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association took place on the 17th of October 2024. In a magical ambience, lovingly decorated in black and white, the guests experienced a special evening full of little surprises.

Study & Teaching


Adobe Promotion for Students

The FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association is launching an Adobe campaign at the start of the winter semester 2024/25.

Campus life


First FHP Beer brewed on Campus

Members of the FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association brew the first university beer on campus.

Crowdfunding campaign for a Germany scholarship

Current status

614,11 Euro from 1,800 Euro

Last updated: 30/08/2024



About the campaign

This year, we would like to finance another Germany Scholarship. To this end, we have launched a crowdfunding campaign among our members. Our goal: to raise 1,800 Euro!

The Deutschland-Stipendium recognises students with good performance and special commitment and supports them with 300 Euro per month for one year. Half of each scholarship is financed by donations, the other half is provided by the federal government.

Join in

Every amount counts! Whether it's a small or large donation – We would be delighted if you could join in and together we can fund a scholarship!

Earmarked donations can be transferred to the association's account with the subject line "Deutschlandstipendium 2024". 
IBAN: DE61 1009 0000 8271 0770 00
BIC: BEVODEBB (Berliner Volksbank)

Donations are tax deductible.


More events
Panel Discussion
29/04/2025, 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm

The Challenge Career Entry: Architecture and Construction – Discussion and Networking Event

Zielgruppe: University members
Location: House DRoom 011
Info Event
24/05/2025, 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

Open Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Zielgruppe: Public, Prospective students
Location: Campus
16/10/2025, 5.00 pm – 6.15 pm

Members' meeting of the FHP 2025 development organisation

General Meeting
Zielgruppe: University members, Public
16/10/2025, 6.15 pm – 10.00 pm

Members' meeting of the FHP 2025 development organisation

Black White Dinner
Zielgruppe: University members, Public
Hauptgebäude der Fachhochschule Potsdam verzerrt durch Fenster hindurch fotografiert

Project funding

We support:

  • Interdisciplinary events and projects
  • Alumni events
  • Farewell and welcome to professors
  • Graduate celebrations
  • Events and projects to cultivate contacts with business, administration and politics
  • Projects on topics such as discrimination, racism, drugs, sexism, emotional overload and physical violence

Individual student projects can only be supported in exceptional cases.

Downloads for project funding

Please submit your application for funding to the funding organisation's office in good time using the application form and financing plan. Please note that the decision on the applications submitted is voted on quarterly at the board meetings.

  • Antrag auf Projektförderung (PDF, 47.88 KB)
    Antrag auf Förderung von Veranstaltungen/Projekten durch die Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.
  • Kosten- und Finanzierungsplan (XLSX, 16.88 KB)
    Vorlage zur Aufstellung der Ausgaben und Einnahmen im Rahmen der Förderung durch die Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.
  • Projektdokumentation und Kostenabrechnung (PDF, 72.39 KB)
    Dokumentation und Abrechnung der durch die Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V. geförderten Veranstaltungen/Projekten

Funded projects

Funded projects 2024

An overview of the funded projects 2024 (continuously updated).

Funded projects 2023

In our anniversary year 2023, more project applications were submitted than ever before. A total of 16 projects were funded – from exhibitions and workshops to graduation ceremonies.

zwei Personen tragen einen Hoodie mit FHP-Motiven

Official FHP merchandise

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association sells official university merchandise via its online shop. This includes T-shirts, hoodies and mugs in various designs and colours – produced to a high standard and fairly. The profits go to the development organisation.

Help shape the future!

Every member contributes to the promotion of projects and (networking) events related to the University of Applied Sciences and alumni through their annual membership fee or donations – and at the same time benefits from a strong network around the FH Potsdam.

  • We inform you about important developments at the university, special events organised by the departments and student initiatives.
  • We inform you about cultural and specialised events at the university.
  • We organise special events as part of the annual general meeting.
  • We promote alumni events and graduate celebrations.
  • We develop FHP merchandise and offer you exclusive benefits.

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association looks forward to your participation! Send your application for supporting membership to

  • We inform you about the main developments at the university and about special events organised by the departments.
  • We establish contacts with university and association members.
  • We maintain contact with alumni and show you the university's talent potential.
  • We support you in your search for young talent.
  • We organise special events as part of the annual general meeting.
  • We are a non-profit organisation and are authorised to issue donation receipts for tax purposes.

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association looks forward to your co-operation! Send your application for supporting membership to

Help shape the future!

Every member contributes to the promotion of projects and (networking) events related to the University of Applied Sciences and alumni with their annual membership fee or through donations – and at the same time benefits from a strong network around the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association looks forward to your participation!

The Executive Board

Member of the board of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.
Deputy Chairwoman of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e. V.
Member of the Board of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e. V.
Member of the Board of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.

Short and sweet


Kiepenheuerallee 5
14469 Potsdam
Phone: +49 331 580-1071

Register of associations

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association is registered in the register of associations at the Potsdam District Court under the number VR 1314 and is recognised as a non-profit organisation. Donations are gladly accepted, confirmations for tax purposes can be issued.

Bank details

IBAN: DE61 1009 0000 8271 0770 00
BIC: BEVODEBB (Berliner Volksbank)

Turn every purchase into a good deed!

The FH Potsdam Supporters' Association has an account with Bildungsspender. If you make your purchases from selected shops using the Bildungsspender app, you can easily support the FH Potsdam Supporters' Association as well.

Shop and help at no extra cost – with the Bildungsspender

To the app: iPhone | Android