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Funded Projects of the Supporters' Association 2023

In our anniversary year 2023, more project applications were submitted than ever before. A total of 16 projects were funded - from exhibitions and workshops to graduation ceremonies.

Viele Menschen tanzen vor einer Bühne, nachts

30 years Casino

The student pub Casino celebrated its "30th" anniversary with a big party.

Student project

Funding amount: 500 euros

Eine Personengruppe steht vor einer Treppe

Student exchange – Cooperation with partner universities in Uzbekistan

As part of the "Interdisciplinary on Monuments" project (DAAD Eastern Partnership Programme), the stay of two students from the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Bukhara State University (Uzbekistan) was funded for one semester.

Funding amount: 600 euros

Feier mit mehreren Menschen im Casinosaal

Conservation and Restauration Graduate Day

The Conservation and Restauration degree programme celebrated a farewell event for its graduates.


Funding amount: 70 euros

Mehrere Bücher und Objekte auf einem Tisch

Event "The digital library of burnt books"

To mark the 90th anniversary of the Nazi book burnings, the Moses Mendelssohn Centre, in cooperation with the Department of Information Sciences, brought the travelling exhibition "Burnt Places" to Potsdam and the FHP campus from May to June 2023.

Department of Information Sciences

Funding amount: 300 euros

Mehrere Personen in einem Hörsaal

Graduation ceremony of the Department of Information Sciences

After a break, the Department of Information Sciences once again celebrated a farewell event for its graduates in 2023.

Funding amount: 300 euros

Zwei Personen sitzen auf der Bühne und reden ins Mikro

Event "Point of Criticism – Crimes for Humanity"

At the event organised by the KritikPunkt collective, humanitarian aid workers Seán Binder and Nadja Lopez Carretero spoke about their work on the Greek island of Lesbos.

Student project

Funding amount: 200 euros

Zwei Personen schauen auf ein eingerahmtes Bild in einem Ausstellungsraum

Exhibition "Drängende Gegenwart"

"Drängende Gegenwart – Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument" was an exhibition that could be seen in the foyer of the state parliament. On display were photographic works by students who, as part of a course taught by Professor Wiebke Loeper, spent two semesters examining the massive societal and social upheavals and challenges that are characterised by the confluence of multiple crises.

Department of Design

Funding amount: 300 euros

Mehrere bunte Plakate, die an Wänden hängen

Exhibition of the Departmentof Design

The two-day exhibition organised by the Department of Design showcased the work and projects created over the past year.

Student project

Funding amount: 250 euros

Eine Personengruppe sitzt in einem Seminarraum

Alumni event 20 years of Interface Design

The degree programme Interface Design celebrated its 20th anniversary with a gathering of around 90 graduates and 30 students. The event centred around discussion rounds in which a wide range of topics – from ethics and social responsibility to artificial intelligence – were discussed with the graduates.

Department of Design

Funding amount: 200 euros

Eine Person sitzt an einem Tisch mit einem Mischpult und Sonnenblumen

Workshop "Looking for a penfriend"

The "Looking for a Penfriend" project organised a participatory exhibition event with a creative writing workshop on pen friendships.

Student project

Funding amount: 200 euros

Eine Personengruppe steht im Raum und unterhält sich

Reactivation of the Berlin-Brandenburg Research Data Network

The 15th Berlin-Brandenburg Research Data Network Meeting on the FHP campus was another step towards reactivating the network after the coronavirus pandemic. Around 30 Berlin and Brandenburg experts in the field of research data management took part in the meeting.

Funding amount: 190 euros

Blauer Hintergrund

Inaugural lectures 2023

The inaugural lectures accompanied the traditional entry of the new professors into academic teaching.

Funding amount: 300 euros

Eine Personengruppe schaut in die Kamera

MACR Welcoming Lectures 2023

The Master's degree programme Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MACR) organised the events "Welcoming Lectures 2023" and "Alumni Reunion 2023".

Department of Social and Educational Sciences

Funding amount: 600 euros

Collage aus verschiedenen Fotos und Textblöcken

TOPYA Zine Crew

The student TOPYA Zine Crew organised several formats, including symposia on utopian ideas, workshops on creative methods and their own zines – a series of self-made publications that encouraged people to dream and get active.

Student project

Funding amount: 300 euros

Eine Studierendengruppe sitzt auf einer Terrasse und schaut in die Kamera

Student excursion to the 17th International Symposium for Information Science

The ISI is the largest conference for information science in the German-speaking world. Thanks to the students' participation fees, it was possible to organise an excursion to the partner university, in which 13 students took part.

Department of Information Science

Funding amount: 500 euros

Roter Hintergrund

Awareness Team Casino

The awareness team was formed as a working group of people who work at the casino. The aim is to reduce borderline behaviour and to catch and support those affected. The implementation of the project includes further training, the development of processes and publicising the offer.

Student project

Funding amount: 200 euros
