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Transfer Laboratory

The transfer laboratory of the social and educational sciences department sees itself as a service-oriented contact point for cooperation between the department and external partners. In close cooperation with the research and transfer unit (ZEFT), the transfer laboratory creates suitable framework conditions and then coordinates the further procedure.



We realise projects with external practice partners and the social and educational sciences department. Accompanying research projects, the promotion of civil society initiatives and the professional development of social work or early childhood (education) practice are all dealt with in equal measure.

Internship Management

We coordinate the cooperation between students and practical training centres. Within the various degree programmes of the social and educational sciences department, various practical phases are firmly anchored in the curriculum and thus offer effective opportunities for theory and practice to meet. Here we support the interaction of all participants by means of acquisition, auditing and additional qualification of the cooperating institutions.

Carrier Fair InnoPrax

Innovation arises where commitment and well-founded knowledge meet. This requires expert knowledge from practice and theory in equal measure in order to sustainably align development processes.

InnoPrax" (Innovation meets Practice) is regularly organised by the social and educational sciences department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

On this day, institutions and organisations have the opportunity to present themselves and their activities to students and to recruit potential interns or future colleagues from the degree programmes "Social Work" and "Early Childhood Education". The students get an insight into different professional fields and activities, can get to know them and exchange ideas with the professionals on site.


Eindrücke der Trägermesse InnoPrax 2021 an der FH Potsdam
