Internal Reporting Office – Whistleblower Protection
If you become aware of violations of laws and regulations in the course of your work at or for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, we would be very grateful if you would inform us. Your report will help us to strengthen compliant behaviour at the university, ensure fair cooperation and protect the reputation of the institution.

Communication channels
By informing the internal reporting office, you give us the opportunity to clarify the matter and take appropriate measures. The internal reporting office is obliged to maintain confidentiality. You have several options for contacting us:
- Email to:
- In person by appointment or by telephone: Rainald Wurzer, Room 4/Room 3.09, Tel. +49 331 580-2043
- by post: with the note "confidential" to:
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
University Planning and Development
Rainald Wurzer
Kiepenheuerallee 5
14469 Potsdam - via the internal mailbox "Hinweisgeber" in house 4/room 2.10
Reporting Office Commissioner
Staff member for controlling, capacity concerns, resource allocation models, project and cooperation agreements
Deputy Reporting Office Commissioner
Speaker of the President