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Student Loans

Various credit institutions offer student loans. The payment instalments are usually between 300 and 1,000 euros per month, the terms (incl. repayment) up to 25 years. Interest rates can be very variable. Inform yourself comprehensively – a must .

Some Loans at a Glance

BAföG Assistance for Graduation

After exceeding the maximum funding period, students can receive assistance to complete their studies if they are admitted to the examination within four semesters after exceeding the maximum funding period. Graduation assistance is granted in the form of bank loans.

Education Funds for Financing Studies

Education funds for financing studies are not student loans in the classical sense. Students agree to repay a certain percentage of their gross income over a period of 4 to 8 years when they start working. The conditions of each individual financing contract are determined individually. The prerequisite is the first Bachelor's, Master's or doctoral degree. The funding can amount to a maximum of 1,000 euros per month during the standard period of study.

Federal Government Education Loan Programme

The education loan is aimed at students in advanced stages of their education. The prerequisite is full-time study in which the achievements of the first year of study have been completed in full. Bachelor's degree programmes, postgraduate degree programmes (Master's, postgraduate, additional and supplementary degree programmes) as well as state examinations, diploma and master's degree programmes are eligible for funding.

KfW Student Loan

The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) provides loans for first and second degree programmes, additional, supplementary or postgraduate studies, Master's degree programmes, distance learning programmes and doctorates. Semesters abroad are also possible. Loans are granted to students of German higher education institutions regardless of their chosen field of study.

DKB Student Education Fund

Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) grants loans to students who are not older than 30 when they start their studies and who want to finance their studies independently. Courses at German universities and private educational institutions are financed. With the Student Education Fund, students receive a low-cost student loan with monthly payments.

German Education Study Support

As a company, Deutsche Bildung organises a study fund. From this study fund, students of all disciplines receive flexible study financing and are trained, coached and networked for a successful future with the WissenPlus training programme.

The unique mix of money and personal support is later paid proportionally from income, which is based on the financial possibilities of the graduates. The model is made possible through institutional and private investors who invest in the sustainable study fund of Deutsche Bildung. Students can apply for funding with the training programme all year round.

Offers in comparison

CHE Student Loan Test

The"CHE-Studienkredit-Test" is published annually by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) and provides comprehensive answers to questions about student loans, student credit and education funds. Student loan and education fund offers are presented and evaluated from the student's perspective.

Stiftung Warentest

Stiftung Warentest tests with scientific methods, evaluates on the basis of objective examinations and publishes the results in the free magazines "test" and "Finanztest", in books and on the internet.

Student Special: Working while studying


Student Financing

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