Literature Search – Book, Ebook, Journal, Professional Article and Co.

Whether on-site or online: We help you find the right literature. In addition to our own library catalogue FHPKat, you can access numerous licensed databases. Haven't found what you're looking for? You can also use the regional network of university libraries or the interlibrary loan service!
Catalogues, Databases & University Publications
The online catalogue of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHPKat) allows you to search for Books, journals, DVDs, e-books and e-journals from the university library's collection. It also offers search options in selected databases, supra-regional library catalogues and journal indexes of the university library.
In addition to the library catalogue, the FHPKat+ can be used to search not only the print media of the university library, but also dependent sources such as journal articles from eJournals, both interdisciplinary and subject-related. The search results lead predominantly to the full text of the sources licensed for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
User Account
In the user account, you can change your own user data and renew borrowed media independently.
Ebook Central
With Ebook Central you can quickly and easily search for relevant e-books and chapters, read texts online or search within e-books. You can easily mark up, add notes and bookmarks in your online copy, which is stored for you on your own bookshelf. You can also share your research results with others, download e-books and chapters to your notebook or mobile device, and much more.
KOBV – Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
The portal of the Kooperativer Bibliotheksverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) enables literature research in university and university of applied sciences libraries, in public libraries as well as in numerous special libraries in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.
KVK – Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog
The Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK) is a meta-search engine for finding several hundred million media in library and book trade catalogues worldwide.
DBIS – Subject Overview University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
The database information system (DBIS) lists all subject databases licensed by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as well as selected freely accessible offers on the internet. DBIS lists bibliographic databases, biographical directories, address databases, reference works etc.
OPUS – University Publications
The library operates the publication system OPUS, in which university publications can be entered or researched. Members of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences can publish their electronic documents or provide evidence of publications on the UAS Publication Server (OPUS).
Moodle Course – Library research and training materials
In the Moodle course the university library presents its eMedia services. With the help of documented examples, the concrete possibilities of use are explained, including the download of eBooks and articles from eJournals. Furthermore, the course contains information material for all important services and usage options of the library.
Search for journals in the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam catalogue
The catalogue (FHPKat) lists the references and holdings details of all printed and electronic journals held by the library.
List of journals of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
In the list of journals, the printed journals held in the library are listed alphabetically with their respective call number.
Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
The ZDB is the world's largest database for title and ownership records of serial collected works, periodicals, newspapers, etc.. It contains more than 1.6 million titles in all languages from 1500 to the present day and provides ownership records for these titles from German and Austrian libraries. The ZDB does not list article titles.
Elektronische Zeitschriftendatenbank (EZB)
The EZB is a cooperative service of over 600 libraries. It provides easy and convenient access to electronically published scientific journals that offer full-text articles. Journals licensed by the library are marked yellow according to the traffic light principle, freely accessible electronic journals have a green "traffic light".