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Organisational Development Project – FHP 2.0

Buchstaben FHP als Sitzgelegenheit
© Andrea Vollmer

With the organisational development project "FHP 2.0", the university has set out to reform its internal organisation. The aim is to create scope for its strategic development and thus secure the university's future viability. The project is designed to be participatory and organised in the form of a waterfall model.

The project at a glance

Inspired by the review and recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities, the FH Potsdam will reform its organisational structure in the coming years. A concrete concept for this is to be developed by the end of 2026 and implementation will begin in 2027.


The aim is to secure the future viability of the FHP and to create the freedom to drive forward strategic development.


The project will run for the duration of the university contract (2024 to 2028).

Structure & participation

The project structure provides for working and decision-making bodies with specific roles and responsibilities and continuous involvement of the university public.

Strategic reorganisation at the FHP: Initial situation

The FHP is facing a significant development: in order to help shape the world of tomorrow and remain successful and capable of acting as a university, it will reduce the number of its basic organisational units.

The idea of interdisciplinary learning and research , with its unusual combination of information science and engineering, socio-cultural and design degree programmes, was already in place when the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam was founded and has been a recurring theme throughout the university's development. Since its foundation, the FHP has grown significantly. It has differentiated itself in terms of content, but has basically retained its basic structure of five faculties.

In its structural and development planning 2021 to 2025 (StEP 2025), the university has set itself the goal of working on the transformation of society with both specialist expertise and interdisciplinary interface skills as a unique selling point and has formulated corresponding development goals for the areas of study and teaching, research, transfer and continuing education as well as with regard to infrastructure and cooperation. However, day-to-day work shows that the existing structures, with their high use of resources for self-administration and few synergies, inhibit interdisciplinary collaboration.

In 2022/23, the German Council of Science and Humanities assessed the state's universities on behalf of the state government and recommended that the FHP: "Following the growth of recent years ... undertake a strategic consolidation" in university development . "In addition to the objectives set out in the StEP 2025, the Council of Science and Humanities considers a reform of the internal organisation, a streamlining of the range of courses offered and their stronger alignment with the strategic requirements of the university, a stronger interdisciplinary networking of teaching, research and transfer, particularly along the three profile lines, as well as an intensification of cooperation with universities, scientific institutions and commercial enterprises to be central to this. The key prerequisites for this are strengthening the university management's ability to steer and the release of resources and their strategic reutilisation. The upcoming generational change offers an excellent opportunity to further develop the university on the path it has already taken, which should definitely be utilised." (S. 319)

According to the Council of Science and Humanities, the small-scale structure of the FHP – with five departments and a manageable size of the university – results in "an unnecessarily high level of self-administration, which manifests itself in multiple functions, especially among professors" and "has an inhibiting effect on the interaction and interdisciplinary cooperation between the individual subjects – which the university strives for". He sees an opportunity to make the FHP fit for the future as an agile organisation by overcoming this fragmentation and "strongly recommends at least reducing the number of departments by merging them appropriately" (p. 320f.).

The Science Council's recommendations to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Drs. 1693-24) are aimed at various fields of action. In addition to reforming the internal organisation, the Council of Science and Humanities focuses on streamlining the range of courses on offer and strengthening the interdisciplinary networking of teaching, research and transfer, particularly along the three profile lines. It also recommends intensifying cooperation with other universities, scientific institutions and commercial enterprises.

The aim of further developing the organisational profile of Potsdam University of Applied Sciences is enshrined in the 2024 to 2028 university agreement. A university-wide discussion and change process should clarify what form the university should take in future (departmental or faculty structure) and how its performance and innovative capacity can be increased by more closely linking the organisational structures with the profile lines. The state expects the FHP to present a concept and implementation plan for the reform of its internal structure by the end of 2026 in order to begin implementation from 2027.

What happens when

Two sub-projects are planned:

  • The first sub-project is dedicated to conceptualisation and implementation planning (duration: Q1 2024 to Q4 2026).
  • The second sub-project deals with the actual implementation of the agreed structural reform, which is scheduled to begin in 2027.
Visuelle Übersicht zum Projektzeitplan mit Meilensteinen.

Impressions: Kick-off organisational development project FHP 2.0

On the 12th of February 2025, we kicked off our FHP 2.0 organisational development project under the motto "Helping to shape the FHP of tomorrow". Together, we collected and discussed ideas and provided initial impetus. Below you will find an insight into the event.


More events
02/04/2025, 11.00 am – 12.00 pm

FHP 2.0: Online Lecture Series with Keynote Speeches on Selected Organisational Models

Culture-orientated model
Zielgruppe: University members
Location: OnlineRoom Zoom

Project structure & roles

As project manager, the president is responsible for the project and for achieving the project goals; she has the authority to issue guidelines.

Below you will find an overview of the distribution of roles and tasks within the project.

The steering group makes all important decisions and is responsible for the content and strategic organisation of the project.

The steering group is made up of

The steering group meets monthly before the Presidential College meeting and as required.

As the administrative office for the project, the core team prepares documents and concepts, organises meetings and events and serves as the central information and communication point for all project committees and the university public as well as the agency and external partners.

The core team includes the President, the University Planning and Development Officer and the President's Officer.

The core team meets weekly for a jour fixe and as required.

The steering committee acts as an internal sounding board for the project. It provides feedback and brings in perspectives from the respective organisational unit and/or function.

The steering committee is made up of

The steering committee meets monthly and as required.

The advisory board contributes external expertise and experience to the organisational development project. It advises those responsible for the project and ensures that the project development complies with the recommendations of the German Council of Science and Humanities.

The advisory board is made up of ten personalities from science, business and society.

Two meetings a year are planned for the advisory board, as well as an exchange of views when required.

The university public is regularly informed about the progress of the project. It is involved through open formats and active participation in events. It is expected to provide input and feedback on possible organisational models, as well as discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed concepts and implementation planning.

Formats for the participation of university members are

  • Kick-off event for the project,
  • surveys,
  • university day,
  • group work and
  • regular information.

The project is supported by an agency team. The team moderates important meetings and events, supports the project committees and contributes creative, communicative and technical experience from similar projects.

As a result of a public tender, Prognos AG and its subcontractor Nordsonne Identity were awarded the contract.

Important documents

Contact us

You can reach the project team at:

Project management

Participation in the core team

Head of University Planning and Development

Participation in the core team