Study as a free mover without a partner university

Would you like to study abroad for one or two semesters and already have a specific university in mind? But the university is not a partner university of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? On this page we show you how you can still study abroad at your dream university by applying as a free mover.
What does it mean to go abroad as a free mover?
Applying as a free mover means: You plan and organise your entire stay abroad independently - from the application to the recognition of your achievements abroad.
You can apply to most universities worldwide. Find out for yourself about the admission requirements and application deadlines of the respective university. In some cases, European universities do not accept students as free movers. Therefore, always ask whether you can apply even if the university of your choice and FH Potsdam do not have a cooperation.
What is the procedure?
Start at least one year before
You are responsible for ensuring that all required application documents (e.g. language certificates) reach your receiving university in good time. Therefore, you should plan at least one year of preparation for your application as a free mover.
Contact the university of your choice
You can usually find information on how to apply on the website of your chosen university, usually under the heading "International Affairs". Contact the International Office of your future host university at the beginning. This will give you specific tips on the application procedure, language courses and accommodation options.
Agree on plans and recognition at the FHP
Even if you go abroad individually and independently of our exchange programmes, we recommend counselling on the topic of recognition of achievements you make abroad. To do this, contact the head of your degree programme or the Erasmus representative in your degree programme or department. Feel free to contact the International Office if you do not yet know this person. We will be happy to put you in touch with them.
Organise financing
A semester abroad is always associated with additional costs and you should therefore take care of the financing in good time. There are a number of scholarships that can help you with your project. The Auslands-BAföG might also be an option for a stay as a free mover. Get an overview of suitable financing options on our website. Make an appointment with the International Office for an individual consultation, for example during the office hours.
Submit application by the deadline
The host university usually has one or two fixed deadlines per year by which you can submit your application as a free mover. Keep to these deadlines and submit your documents a little earlier so that you can respond to any queries in good time. Your application documents should make a good impression in terms of content and form. The university abroad determines the form, content and scope of your application documents. Below we give you some tips on how to apply.
Take leave for the time abroad
If you study abroad for one or two semesters, you will still remain enrolled at FH Potsdam (FHP). Therefore, be sure to re-register on time with the payment of the semester fee. You have the option of applying for a semester off or applying for an exemption/reimbursement from the semester ticket. Get advice beforehand at the FHP Study Service!
Placement agencies
Free placement agencies arrange study places for you for semesters abroad. Counselling and placement with the agencies is usually free of charge. However, you should plan for the fact that you will have to pay tuition fees at the foreign university. Tip: The Auslands-BAföG ) provides a tuition fee subsidy of up to 5,600 euros (repayment-free).
Here you will find a selection of free placement agencies:
GOstralia! GOmerica!
Stays abroad in Australia, New Zealand, the USA or Southeast Asia
iec - International Education for Global Minds
Stays abroad worldwide
College Contact
Stays abroad worldwide
Institute Ranke-Heinemann
Stays abroad in Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Asia Exchange
Stays abroad in Asia, South America and Europe
World of Students
Stays abroad worldwide

Going abroad for a while - a good idea! But you have to think of a few things on the way there. The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) checklist will help you with this.
You can also find many answers to questions about visas, health insurance, bank accounts, finding accommodation, working during your semester abroad, etc. on the websites of the placement agencies.
Application documents - The standards
There are now standards that are required when applying for a semester abroad at a university abroad. The general rule is:
- Take enough time to read through the requirements and take care of the documents to be submitted in good time.
- Make sure they are presented attractively and are complete. If possible, do not send handwritten forms and make sure to send the files as PDFs. If you share files via portals and sharing platforms, name the files sensibly (for example, NameApplicant_NameDocument_Date) and make sure you have set an expiry date for the downloads. Point this out or remove the expiry date.
- Have someone proofread, especially for applications in foreign languages.
We also give you the following tips for the application documents: