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Funding Programmes & Scholarships for the Stay Abroad

You don't know yet how you can finance your stay abroad? We can help you find the right funding for your project among the numerous funding programmes.

At a glance

Once you know what you want to do abroad, you can start looking for funding opportunities. Some funding programmes are tailored to specific target groups. There are programmes that only fund students of certain degree programmes or stays in certain countries. We can help you keep track of them all. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

What does a stay abroad cost?

There is no general answer to this question. The cost of your stay abroad mainly depends on your personal needs and the cost of living in your destination country. You should consider the following expenses and types of financing for a stay abroad:

  • Travel costs (outward and return journey to your destination country)
  • Costs for accommodation abroad (rent, incidental expenses)
  • Expenses for daily needs (food)
  • Costs for insurance (health insurance abroad, liability and accident insurance)
  • Costs for vaccinations
  • Visa fees
  • During the semester abroad: tuition fees (in the exchange programmes of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, there are no tuition fees) and administrative fees of the host university abroad (for example, semester fees)
  • Costs for materials used during studies or internships
  • Fees for mobile phones abroad
  • Expenses for leisure activities
  • Ongoing costs in Germany

You can find an overview of the country-specific costs for a stay abroad on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Most students use several sources of funding. A stay abroad is often financed by:

  • Support from parents and relatives
  • Own savings
  • Participation in an exchange programme (tuition fee waiver)
  • Scholarships at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
  • Scholarships from external sponsors
  • International BAföG
  • Remuneration (for internships abroad)

Scholarships at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Erasmus+ Study in Europe

With the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, the FHP supports students and graduates of all disciplines in studying or doing an internship at a partner university in Europe. A monthly mobility grant, free online language support and support from the International Office are included.

Erasmus+ Study in Taiwan

Study for a semester at our partner university National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) in the East Asian metropolis of Taipei and enjoy all the benefits of the Erasmus+ programme: no tuition fees, monthly scholarship, intensive preparation and on-site support.

Erasmus+ Internship

The Erasmus+ programme supports internships of 2 to 12 months abroad. Students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can apply at the LEONARDO office in Brandenburg and receive monthly funding as well as help with planning and preparing for the internship and access to a free language course.

PROMOS scholarship

Within the framework of the mobility programme PROMOS of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam awards scholarships to finance the following stays abroad: Study visits outside Europe and as a free mover, internships, specialised courses and language courses.

Scholarship programmes of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the largest German organisation for the promotion of stays abroad and offers a variety of scholarship programmes for study-related stays abroad. You can apply for the right scholarship directly at the DAAD.

An overview of all scholarships is available in the DAAD Scholarship Database. The following scholarships are popular with students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam:

The DAAD supports students at universities of applied sciences with a special programme.

Students in Bachelor's, Master's and Diplom degree programmes at German universities of applied sciences (Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften, HAW) receive scholarships for semesters abroad (3 - 6 months), stays abroad as part of a thesis (1 - 6 months) and internships abroad (2 - 6 months).

The Short-term Scholarships for Internships Abroad programme supports self-organised internships (6 weeks to 3 months) at German missions abroad, international organisations recognised under international law, German schools abroad, Goethe-Institutes, German Archaeological Institutes, institutes of the Max Weber Foundation and selected institutions of foreign cultural policy.

German students who are doing an internship (4 to 6 months) in EU institutions, the UN system, Bretton Woods organisations, NATO, OECD as well as in approved non-governmental organisations can apply to the DAAD for the Carlo Schmid Programme for Internships in International Organisations and EU Institutions.

The aim of the New Kibbutz Programme is to particularly promote the foreign mobility of students in the field of the start-up scene in Israel. Funding is provided for internships (2-6 months) in high-tech start-up companies in Israel that have been arranged through the AHK.

Short stays (2 to 4 weeks) in the countries of Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe as well as the South Caucasus and Central Asia are promoted by the DAAD in the Go East Programme. Every year during the summer months, universities in the region offer summer schools on a wide range of topics. The list of currently funded summer schools can be found at:


The DAAD awards scholarships for students and graduates in the fields of architecture, interior design, monument preservation, urban planning/town planning, regional planning, landscape architecture and landscape planning who would like to study abroad for one year at a higher education institution during their studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam or who would like to do postgraduate studies abroad after graduation. Among other things, a monthly scholarship instalment, a travel allowance and an insurance allowance are awarded. Applications must be submitted directly to the DAAD.

The DAAD awards scholarships for students and graduates in the fields of fine arts, design and film who would like to study abroad for one year at a university during their studies at the University of Applied Sciences or who would like to do postgraduate studies abroad after graduation. Among other things, a monthly scholarship instalment, a travel allowance and an insurance allowance are awarded. Applications must be submitted directly to the DAAD.

The RISE Weltweit programme supports bachelor students of engineering sciences within the framework of a research internship (6 weeks to 3 months) in the summer during the lecture-free period. The application for an internship takes place online via the RISE Weltweit internship database.

IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is an international internship exchange organisation and arranges specialised internships abroad for students of all technical and scientific disciplines. There are places both in industry and at research institutes. Most IAESTE internships last about 2 to 3 months and often take place in the summer.

Other scholarships

The German-American Fulbright Commission awards scholarships for German students who want to study at an American university for a shorter or longer period of time and who want to promote German-American cultural exchange. In addition to the well-known study scholarships and travel grants for study visits, Fulbright offers special support for students at universities of applied sciences: Summer Institutes in the USA for students at universities of applied sciences and Summer Institutes for students in dual study programmes.

With this scholarship, the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW) supports compulsory internships (1 to 3 months) in France that are recognised by the German home university as part of the Bachelor's degree programme.

Foundations also award scholarships for stays abroad. Use this foundation search for more information.

Going abroad with BAföG

Students who have their permanent residence in Germany can receive funding under the BAföG for a study period abroad. Compulsory internships abroad are also eligible for funding. The higher funding rates for education abroad mean that quite a few students who do not receive funding in Germany because their parents' income is too high are eligible to receive BAföG for a stay abroad. Please address your questions about BAföG abroad directly to the responsible Office for Educational Funding. Only the relevant office can give you binding answers.

Funding for a stay abroad according to the BAföG includes the same amount that you would have received at home. In addition, the following benefits may be granted:

  • supplements for the outward and return journey to the place of training abroad
  • a supplement for health insurance
  • required tuition fees up to 5,600 euros for a maximum of one year
  • for higher living costs for students outside the EU and Switzerland, foreign supplements depending on the country in question

You submit the application for BAföG abroad to the Office for Education Funding (Amt für Ausbildungsförderung) responsible for your destination country. You will also receive all application documents there.

If you already receive BAföG funding in Germany, you cannot simply take it abroad with you. In any case, you must submit a separate application for funding for your stay abroad.

The application for Auslands-BAföG should be submitted as early as possible. At the latest six months before the start of your stay abroad, you should submit your application to the Office for the Promotion of Education and Training responsible for your destination country.

The Auslands-BAföG can sometimes be obtained in addition to a scholarship. You must inform both the responsible office for educational funding and the scholarship provider about this. A combination with the Erasmus+ and PROMOS funding programmes at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is possible.

Please note that, as a rule, you cannot apply for BAföG funding abroad if you do not have German citizenship. In case of doubt, clarify directly with the responsible Office for Educational Support whether you are eligible to apply.

Education loan

The Federal Government's education loan programme offers a temporary, low-interest loan to support students at German universities. This loan can also be granted for stays abroad and, under certain conditions, for internships abroad. You submit the application to the Federal Office of Administration.


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In einem dunkelblauen Kreis steht in weißen Großbuchstaben DAAD. Zur rechten Seite des Kreises steht in schwarzer Schrift Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Darunter auf Englisch German Academic Exchange Service.