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Internship or Training in the Library

Computer-Arbeitsplätze in der Bibliothek

Internship opportunities

The university library offers various internships:

  • Internships for students
  • Internships for pupils/information
  • Other internships
  • Internships for trainees training to become specialists in media and information services

Training as a specialist in media and information services (FAMI)

The training occupation "Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste/Fachangestellte für Medien- und Informationsdienste (FAMI)" includes the specialisations archive, library, picture agency, information and documentation as well as medical documentation.
The university library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam trains in the library specialisation.

In the university library, the trainees receive a versatile practical vocational training. They are trained in all working areas of the library and get to know the entire spectrum of the future profession.
Thus, the FAMIs acquire skills and knowledge in the following areas of work, among others:

  • acquiring, indexing, storing, mediating, maintaining and making available print media (e.g. books and journals), electronic media (e.g. DVDs, e-books, online journals, PDF files)
  • research in databases and on the internet
  • public relations and advertising
  • technical media processing
  • interlibrary loan, ordering and borrowing media from other libraries
  • support and advice for library customers
  • user services at the circulation desk.

The school-based (theoretical) training takes place in block lessons of three weeks each in Berlin at the

Louise Schroeder School
Upper Secondary School for Office Management and Administration
Department I
Lippstädter Strasse 9 - 11
12207 Berlin
Telephone: 90172-501

In the first year of training, the interdisciplinary basics are taught at school:

  • in the area of procurement and indexing
  • in working with information and communication systems,
  • in legal regulations (e. g. copyright, data protection),
  • in the function as a service provider for advising and supporting customers/users.

Subject-specific knowledge is mainly taught in the second and third year.
The school-based training is not only geared towards acquiring the subject-specific qualifications but also the supra-disciplinary qualifications (key qualifications).

  • the Fachoberschulreife or the Abitur with good grades
  • good grades and knowledge in German, English and mathematics
  • interest in dealing with print and electronic media
  • good computer skills (Office programs, Internet)
  • quick comprehension, willingness and ability to learn independently
  • communication skills, ability to work in a team, willingness to work hard, ability to deal with conflicts

The application documents include:

  • a detailed letter of application
  • a curriculum vitae in table form
  • copies of the last two school reports
  • and, if available, internship evaluations or certificates

The training allowance and other benefits are paid in accordance with the collective agreement for trainees of the Länder in training occupations under the Vocational Training Act (TVA-L BBiG).


Staff member cataloguing and systematisation, information literacy and training, public relations, training