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Staff Council for Academic and Artistic Staff

The staff council for academic and artistic Staff represents the interests of academic and artistic staff at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Function & Tasks

Staff councils are a statutory component of every public employer, like the works council in the private sector. In compliance with laws and regulations, collective agreements and other provisions that grant employees rights, staff councils work closely and in a spirit of trust with the respective department to fulfil the tasks of the service and for the benefit of the employees. In order to exercise employees' rights, staff councils are given certain rights of co-determination and participation by the Brandenburg staff representation act (PersVG).

The staff council for academic and artistic staff has a say in personnel, social, organisational and other internal service measures that affect the employees of the department as a whole, groups of them or individual employees or have a direct impact on them.

The academic and artistic staff council represents

  • Artistic and academic staff
  • Academic staff
  • Teaching staff for special tasks
  • Research assistants

Information for employees

Due to the diversity of contracts and framework conditions of employment, we recommend that the staff council be involved in all personnel matters (recruitment, grouping, fixed-term contracts, transfers, etc.) in order to have compliance with all legal and internal university regulations checked in the interest of the staff. The staff council for academic and srtistic staff only takes action upon request. The staff council for academic and srtistic staff passes resolutions within 5 working days. If you wish to involve us when you are hired or at a later date, fill out the application for participation of the staff council and submit it to the human resources department. You can revoke this participation at any time.

Consultation hours are available at any time by appointment. You can reach us at
Our office (House 2 / Room 0.18) on campus is staffed irregularly.

Board of directors

Staff Council for Academic and Artistic Staff

Room 0.18

Office hours
by arrangement


Academic Staff Member Specialising in Teaching
Basics of Digital Media

1st Vice chairperson

Academic assistant in the P³Dual project

2nd Vice chairperson


Academic Staff Member of the Research Group Climate-Friendly Reconstruction (InNoWest)
Programm Development and Study Organisation