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In-House Trainings by FH Potsdam

Teilnehmende einer Weiterbildung im Seminarraum

Would you like to book a customised in-house training for your team instead of joining our regular training programmes? Feel free to contact us and we will find a training solution adapted to the unique requirement of your organisation. We will support you to define the frame, contents, intensity and whether you prefer a face-to-face or an online setting.

Trainings for organisations, companies and public institutions

Inhouse training supported by further education courses

In principle, in-house training courses can also be offered on all topics of our regular training programmes and further education courses. These can take place directly at your institution and are tailored to the specific needs of your organisation.


Exclusive in-house training

We offer exclusive in-house training on specific topics that are not covered by our general training programmes. We adapt flexibly to your requirements to ensure that the training is customised and effective.

Here you will find a selection of topics that are offered exclusively as in-house training courses:

In planning:

Why choose a training at FH Potsdam?


Customised compilation of learning content. You determine the main topics.


Programme tailored to your requirements

Time flexibility

You plan the appointments

On campus or online

No loss of time, no long journeys to and from work, no travelling costs

Limited group size

You determine the number of participants

Goal orientated

Open discussion and personal exchange in an environment defined by you

Certificate of attendance from the FH Potsdam

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance from the FH Potsdam

Customers & Partners

Logo Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg
Logo TÜV Rheinland AG
Ernst von Bergmann Klinikum Potsdam
Logo verdi
Logo Charité
Logo AOK Plus - Die Gesundheitskasse für Sachsen und Thüringen
Logo Kreisverband AWO Bezirksverband Potsdam e.V.
Logo Märkischer Sozialverein e.V.
Logo Pur gGmbH Henningsdorf
Logo Kreativitätsschulzentrum Berlin gGmbH
Logo Mounting Systems
Logo Qualitätszirkel Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark
Logo Oberlinhaus gGmbH
Logo Sparkasse Leipzig
Logo Stadtwerke Potsdam

Unsere Inhouse-Schulungen stehen für passgenaue Weiterbildung, die direkt auf die Herausforderungen und Ziele Ihrer Organisation abgestimmt ist. Mit praxisnahen Ansätzen, wissenschaftlich fundiertem Know-how und flexiblen Formaten ermöglichen wir es Ihnen, Ihr Team gezielt weiterzuentwickeln und nachhaltig erfolgreich zu sein.

Nutzen Sie diese Chance: Planen Sie noch heute Ihre individuelle Schulung mit uns und gestalten Sie die Zukunft Ihrer Organisation!

Mustafa Turna
Leitung Zentrale Einrichtung Weiterbildung (ZEW)

Do you have any questions? Please contact us!

ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10
Head of the Further Education Unit (ZEW)
Coordination & Organisation ZEW