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The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The presidential board of the University of Applied Sciences is the central decision-making body of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Its members include the president, the chancellor and four vice presidents. It meets once a week to discuss strategic and personnel issues and to support the president in her decision-making.

The Presidium at a glance


The president, Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, is responsible for managing the university and represents it externally. She chairs the executive board, which consists of the president, the chancellor and four vice-presidents. She takes initiatives for the development of the university, drafts the principles of the university's political objectives and has the authority to issue directives. The president is the supervisor of the academic staff and exercises domestic authority.


As head of administration, chancellor Gerlinde Reich is a member of the presidential board and supervisor of the non-academic staff. She is responsible for the budget and real estate as well as for legal and other administrative tasks. In addition, she represents the president in legal and administrative matters.

Vice president for studies and teaching

The constant further development of studies and teaching at a high level is the task of the vice president for studies and teaching, Prof. Dr. Tobias Schröder. He therefore coordinates quality management and heads the central commission of the same name.
The Vice President is also responsible for the area of digital teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Vice president for research and transfer

The vice president for research and transfer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Heisig, is responsible for raising the university's profile in the area of research and development and for promoting research and young researchers. He is also responsible for coordinating the university's activities in the fields of transfer and start-ups.

Vice president for digitalisation and international affairs

The vice president for digitisation and international affairs, Prof. Constanze Langer, is responsible for the development and implementation of the University of Applied Science's digitisation and internationalisation strategies in close cooperation with the president. The positioning of the two fields of action with innovative approaches and at the same time a strong orientation towards implementation, taking into account the effects on studies, teaching, research and administration, are the focus of her activities.

Student vice president

The student vice president is a special feature at German universities. At University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, this office has existed since march 2013 as a communicator and mediator between the university administration and the student body. This promotes the consideration of student interests in central decisions and in development processes at the university. The student vice president is Leo Jacob Blohm.


Speaker of the President

President's Office

Office of the Chancellor