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Ordering Literature – Further Sources for Literature

Student recherchiert am Laptop in der Bibliothek der FH Potsdam

Didn't find what you were looking for in our holdings? You can use various services to obtain literature from us. For example, with interlibrary loan it is possible to order books and co. from other libraries throughout Germany. Or you can simply make us a suggestion for a new acquisition.

Interlibrary Loan

Literature that is not in the collection of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam library can be ordered from other libraries via interlibrary loan (2.00 EUR per item) and collected from us. In order to use this service, you must be registered as a user.


Media to be obtained via interlibrary loan can be researched and ordered via the library catalogue(database selection → click on KOBV ), the search portal FHPKat+ (3rd tab interlibrary loan) but also directly via the KOBV portal or the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB). Please enter your library user number and password there. You can then initiate the interlibrary loan order. When your order arrives at the library, you will be notified by e-mail.


On the basis of the fee statutes, expenses are to be reimbursed for orders placed in German interlibrary loan. They amount to EUR 2.00 for each order placed. Additional costs are incurred for orders in international interlibrary loan. Copies of journal articles up to 20 pages are included in the interlibrary loan fee. For more than 20 pages, additional costs will be charged by the lending library. You can enter an upper cost limit in the KOBV online form when ordering copies.

Attention! Late fees will be charged if the loan period for interlibrary loans is exceeded.

Delivery Times

The delivery time depends on the library processing the order. Please allow sufficient time for your orders. An order cannot always be realised within two weeks. Urgently needed books and journal articles can be ordered via delivery services for which a charge is made.


The conditions of use and the loan period of the ordered literature are determined by the lending library. Copies are intended to be kept.


An extension of the loan period for interlibrary loans can be requested. The request must be made approximately three to four working days before the loan period expires. The extension of an interlibrary loan depends on the lending library. If the note "extension not possible" is printed on the accompanying label of the interlibrary loan you have borrowed, this interlibrary loan cannot be extended. Please request renewals using the online form or in person at the interlibrary loan desk or at the circulation desk.

Form - Request for renewal interlibrary loan


An extension of the loan period for interlibrary loans can be requested. The request must be made approximately three to four working days before the loan period expires. The extension of an interlibrary loan depends on the lending library. If the note "extension not possible" is printed on the accompanying label of the interlibrary loan you have borrowed, this interlibrary loan cannot be extended. Please request renewals using the online form or in person at the interlibrary loan desk or at the circulation desk.

Form - Request for renewal interlibrary loan

Ebook Central

With Ebook Central you can quickly and easily search for relevant e-books and chapters, read texts online or search within e-books. You can easily mark up, add notes and bookmarks in your online copy, which is stored for you on your own bookshelf. You can also share your research results with others, download e-books and chapters to your notebook or mobile device, and much more.

Proposals for new Acquisitions

You are welcome to express your wishes for the acquisition of titles by the library. Please understand that we can only realise your wishes as far as the financial possibilities allow and the desired title fits into the library's acquisition profile.

Form - Suggestions for new acquisitions

Please use the library catalogue to search for a specific work.