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Guide to Using FHPgpt – your AI Assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

FHPgpt is an innovative AI-supported tool that can help you to complete your creative, scientific and organisational tasks more efficiently. To make FHPgpt a helpful companion, it is important to know some basic guidelines. This guide provides you with an overview of responsible and legally compliant use.

What is FHPgpt?

FHPgpt uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) that has been trained on large data sets to generate new content such as texts, images or translations. The AI recognises patterns and probabilities in order to create human-like answers.

Important: Although FHPgpt appears very precise and helpful, the AI does not understand content like a human. It creates probability-based information and may contain errors or bias. Like all tools, it can be misused. The following points are intended to convey safety in use and show what the framework at our university is for this.

Guidelines for the use of FHPgpt

Avoid personal data: Do not enter any information that could allow conclusions to be drawn about a person, such as:

  • names, matriculation numbers or contact details
  • research results or internal documents
  • data that allows conclusions to be drawn about individuals by combining it with other information

Protect confidential content: Do not enter any information that is subject to confidentiality or is sensitive in nature, such as

  • research results
  • internal documents
  • data that is confidential or only released for public university use

All activities that serve to support study, teaching and work at the university are permitted, e.g:

Support with writing and development:

  • creation of texts, drafts and translations (e.g. emails, reports, summaries).
  • suggestions for formulations, grammar checks or structuring texts.
  • support with writer's block and brainstorming sessions.

Research and analysis:

  • summarising content, suggestions for literature research or source overviews.
  • text analysis to search for patterns or important statements.

Supplementing teaching materials:

  • ideas for exam questions
  • examples of subject areas
  • individualised materials with regard to specific aspects such as accessibility

Language support:

  • translation of texts for better understanding or working in international contexts.

Not permitted are all activities that allow conclusions to be drawn about individuals, anticipate decisions, are passed on without substantive evaluation or falsify performance, e.g:

Entering personal data:

  • All data that allows conclusions to be drawn about individuals may not be processed.

Automated decisions:

  • FHPgpt may not be used for application decisions, performance evaluations or examination assessments.

Unchecked transfer of texts:

  • AI-generated content may not be adopted directly into academic papers without labelling.

Use in examinations:

  • FHPgpt may only be used in examinations with the express permission of the examiner.

Passing on protected or sensitive content:

  • Data such as research results or internal documents may not be entered.

Sources enable others to check the origin of information and assess its credibility. Correct acknowledgement of sources shows that external knowledge is appropriately recognised and not passed off as one's own, which prevents plagiarism. Transparency and openness are also necessary when dealing with AI.

Label the use of AI:

  • When using FHPgpt, clearly state that the content was created or supported by an AI.
  • Use information such as: "Generated with FHPgpt, based on GPT-4, retrieved on [date]."

Document your work:

  • For larger projects or scientific work, keep a log of the use of FHPgpt.

Practical application examples of FHPgpt

Creative work and idea generation

  • brainstorming and idea development for projects, reports or presentations
  • support in developing new concepts or improving existing ideas

Research and data analysis

  • summarising articles or reports for an initial overview
  • analysing texts or data, e.g. to identify patterns or correlations

Support with writing processes

  • suggestions for wording, correction of spelling and grammar
  • feedback on style and structure for better readability

Teaching and learning support

  • creation of templates for examination tasks, quizzes or teaching materials
  • individualisation of materials for specific learning needs


  • translations of teaching texts or communication materials into different languages

Examples of when FHPgpt should not be used

Despite the wide range of possible uses of FHPgpt, there are areas of application in which its use should be critically scrutinised. These include in particular

  • processing of personal data without the consent of the data subjects
  • complete transfer of texts or translations without checking
  • automated selection processes (e.g. applications or examination assessments)
  • analysis of confidential or copyright-protected documents

Further information for studying, teaching, research and transfer


  • Use FHPgpt to develop ideas or improve your work, but never as a substitute for your own work.
  • Adhere to the principles of good scientific practice.


  • Discuss with your students whether and how AI may be used in your course.
  • Develop examinations and task formats that encourage individual performance and reflect the use of AI.

Research and transfer

  • Check legal and ethical aspects before using FHPgpt, especially for sensitive data.


  • Critically evaluate all AI-generated results.
  • Pay attention to possible errors, discrimination or distortions in the content.

Do you have any questions or need support?

For technical questions regarding the use of FHPgpt, please contact the IT department at

If you have any questions regarding content, please refer to our website Artificial Intelligence in Teaching.

If you have any general questions, please contact our Vice President for Digitalisation and International Affairs at

Use of other AI solutions

When using other AI solutions, the provisions of this guideline must be applied analogously.