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Offers for Staff & Lecturers

We support you in your professional development with our diverse training offers for staff and teachers. Take a look at our pages and find the right offer for you! If you need advice or cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us.

DUMMY Workshop

Application procedure

Please forward your registration for internal or external courses with the approval of your manager, please forward your request to the training team of the human resources department at ( ).

You will be released from work for the duration of the training in consultation with your supervisor.

Offers of the university

Current offers can be found here in the calendar. Participation in the internal training measures is free of charge for employees and teachers of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can register using the registration information provided in the calendar.

Human resources development

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers its employees a variety of further education and development perspectives. New opportunities and challenges await you!


Dealing with cultural diversity is playing an increasingly important role not only in teaching, but also in university administration and in advising international students.
How do I behave in contact with cultures that are unfamiliar to me? What role does communication play? What can cause misunderstandings? What opportunities does cultural diversity offer? The international office helps you to improve your intercultural competence in the university context. You can obtain a certificate for your intercultural competences or work towards one with support. Contact:


The development of a gender-sensitive personnel development concept is one of the university's equality policy goals. In this context, the central equal opportunities officer administers various funds and funding programmes, including for the promotion of young researchers, and advises on how to apply.

Digital teaching

The Digital Teaching department of Studies and Teaching Unit (ZESL) offers further training on Moodle and digital teaching for lecturers in the departments.

University sports

Whether trend sports, athletics, fitness club, ball sports, health promotion, dancing, family or individual sports – the university sports programme for winter or summer semesters as well as the lecture-free period offers a varied programme all year round. fees are reduced for university members.


The start-up and management qualification unit (ZEGM) provides support with events and funding programmes on the topic of "start-ups".


The FAMteam offers university members practical help such as flexible and regular childcare and advice on organising and financing studies with a family, on pregnancy and parental leave, and on caring for relatives.

Health management

To promote the health of all university employees, the health management "Healthy FHP" integrates sports and relaxation offers (health days, spine screening, etc.) into everyday working life. Workshops and counselling appointments are offered on a regular basis.

External offers

Further training at Landesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung Brandenburg

The Landesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung Brandenburg (LAköV) is responsible for interdepartmental further training for the employees of the Brandenburg state administration.

The annual programme lists training courses in various areas. The annual development of the programme is carried out in consultation with the training officers of the departments.

After your application has been approved, you will be seconded to the course by the university of applied sciences.

Netzwerk Studienqualität Brandenburg (sqb)

The first point of contact for university didactics is the Netzwerk Studienqualität Brandenburg (sqb), a joint scientific institution of the universities in the state of Brandenburg. The network develops and offers workshops on specific higher education didactic topics and issues, but also supports the universities with consulting services in quality development in studying and teaching.

Training and further education of the Unfallkasse Brandenburg

The Unfallkasse Brandenburg (UK BB) is mandated under § 23 SGB VII to provide the necessary initial and further training for persons in companies who are entrusted with the implementation of measures to prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health hazards, as well as with first aid.

In this context, the Unfallkasse Brandenburg bears the direct costs of its training and further training measures as well as the necessary travel, board and lodging costs. In the case of initial and further training measures for first aiders carried out by third parties, the Unfallkasse Brandenburg only pays the course fees.

IT training courses of the Brandenburg IT service provider

The Brandenburg IT Service Provider (ZIT-BB) is the central IT service provider for the direct state administration of Brandenburg and stands for efficient and professional IT service from a single source.

After your application has been approved, you will be seconded to the course by the university of applied sciences.

Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS)

PoGS is the competence and advisory centre for young and advanced scientists.

Centre for Higher Education (CHE)

The CHE Centre for Higher Education is committed to a high-performance and fair higher education system. The CHE develops application-oriented solutions for the higher education and science system and regularly offers events.

German University Association

The German University Association is the comprehensive service and information institution for German university teachers and young academics.

International DAAD Academy (iDA)

With about 100 courses per year, iDA provides the most comprehensive range of courses on internationalisation issues in Europe. The iDA offers free self-learning materials for English in Administration.

University Forum on Digitisation

HFD HANGOUTS are regular online further education offers of the University Forum Digitisation for interested teachers.

Two-week online continuing education courses in which participants can work on their own teaching examples, mostly topic-related. In addition to providing information through webinars, a variety of materials are available. Often there is peer feedback on one's own teaching example.


Human resources training team:

Human Resources

Room 2. Etage