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Committees & Commissioners of the Social and Educational Sciences Department

Committees at a Glance

Department Council

The departmental council is a body elected by the department, which includes representatives of the professors as well as scientific and technical staff and student representatives. Important decisions of the department are made by the departmental council. These include, among other things, the enactment of statutes such as study and examination regulations, decisions on structural and development planning or decisions on appointments.

Examination Board

The examination board is a body elected by the departmental council to decide on all matters relating to the department's examination regulations. The examination board is responsible for compliance with the examination regulations and for the proper conduct of the examinations. The examination board also decides on all applications and exceptions or special regulations relevant to examinations.

Student Council

The student council (StuRa) represents the interests of the students in the department. It is the first point of contact for questions or problems and mediator between students, lecturers and the dean's office. The StuRa promotes student projects, coordinates student activities and events in the department and looks after first-year students.

Department Council

During the lecture period, the Departmental Council meetings usually take place on the second Wednesday of each month from 2 pm in House 5/Room 101. The meetings are open to the public. Online participation via MS Teams is possible. If you are interested in participating online as a guest, please send an e-mail to the chair Arne von Boetticher or to the member Alfred Melchior. You will then receive a link as a guest. According to the basic regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the proposal for the agenda is regularly sent to the elected representatives of the status groups one week before the meeting. The meeting documents can be downloaded here using the FHP identifier.

Non-academic staff

Student representatives

  • Anna-Lotta Mertens
  • Lea-Madelin Schumann

The student representatives can be contacted via the following e-mail address:

Examination Board

Academic staff

Student representatives

  • Sophie Mangelsdorf
  • Lisa Sartorius 
  • Christina Schmidt

Student Council (StuRa)


  • Dominic Elsner
  • Josephine Dankhoff
  • Lorenz Jansen
  • Charlene Mirtschin
  • Johanna Mündelein
  • Sarah-Nicole Quilitzsch
  • Johanna Schultheiss
  • Lotte Vogel


  • represents the interests of the students within the department
  • coordinates student activities and events in the department
  • promotes student projects within the department (see project promotion)
  • is the contact person for problems with lecturers, orientation difficulties and exams
  • sends students to internal departmental committees
  • You can find all minutes of the student council meetings here


Project funding by the StuRa

Framework conditions

  • Who? Every enrolled student of the department.
  • How much? In principle, funding of up to 300 euros is possible. In exceptional cases, funding of up to 800 euros is possible.
  • For what? Student projects that are related to the teaching content and/or have a student added value (for at least five students not involved in the project).
  • How? You can send us the application in advance by e-mail; in parallel, you should make an appointment with us and present the project to us in person.


The application consists of:

  1. an informal cover letter (justification of the application)
  2. the project application form
  3. a project description (What are you planning to do? What do you want to achieve with the project?)
  4. a cost breakdown (what do you want to spend money on and how much of it should the StuRa cover).

We can only pay out money if you have already paid in advance. You will only receive your money if you have submitted an accounting sheet and project documentation (written documentation, pictures desired) to us at the end of the project.

Support for teaching projects with examination performance

In principle, such projects (e.g. teaching projects/student projects in the 5th semester of Social Work) may not be funded unless the workload of the project clearly exceeds an examination performance and a student added value is created for all students. If this is the case, please ask your lecturer to fill out the relevant form.