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Prof. Dr. Gerlind Große

Research Professor for Early Childhood Studies
Head of PINA Research Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Gerlind Große
Committees & Offices
Head of the Master's programme Early Childhood Studies
Member of the Faculty Council
Member of the Senate
Member of the Potsdam Research Institute für Early Learning and Pedagogical Interaction (PINA)
Office hours

By appointment by e-mail

Selected projects

BIKA – Participation in Daycare Everyday Life

BiKA is a joint research project of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Research and Development Institute PädQUIS®, affiliated institute of the ASH Berlin and cooperating institute of the University of Graz. The study was developed jointly and is carried out under joint responsibility. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Comfort and Emotion Regulation

Comfort Understanding in Preschool and School Children


Recording and promoting the interest in natural sciences of 5 - 6-year-old children in the day care centre

The Babyhelfer – Virtual Psychological Counselling for Expecting and New Parents – The Babyhelfer App

The aim of the project "Die Babyhelfer" is to provide virtual psychological counselling to expecting and new parents by means of an app in order to reduce the shortage of care for certain sub-pathological and psychological problems.

INSO – Inclusion in the Social Space

The research project "Inklusion im Sozialraum – Partizipative kinderrechtsbasierte Schulentwicklung durch schüler*innenaktive Forschung" aims to investigate the conditions for success of inclusive schools and to give general recommendations for action.

PINA: Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning and Educational Action

PINA is an interdisciplinary research network of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on early childhood education and development.

BeoKiz – Observation and Documentation in Day-Care Centres: Child-Centred and Holistic

"BeoKiz" is a project that we are implementing in cooperation with the Institut für Fortbildung Forschung & Entwicklung e.V. on behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family in the period from August 2020 to December 2022.