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Start of studies at the Civil Engineering Department

Welcome to the beginning of the semester at the civil engineering departemtn at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. For first-year students and newly enrolled students, we organise various events and activities at the start of the semester as part of the "Grundsteinlegung". We also offer a bridge course in mathematics for bachelor's degree programmes.

For all first semester students!

Your studies begin on 29th of September 2025. The introductory events of the Department of Civil Engineering, from 29/09 to 02/10/2025, are mandatory for all newly enrolled students and ensure that you get off to a good start. The program follows.


Please note: Your semester ticket is only valid from 1st of October 2025

For the introductory events on Monday, 29/09/2025 and attendance events in some degree programs from the end of September 2025, you will need to purchase a regular ticket for public transport to get to campus.

Bridge course in mathematics for bachelor's

This course provides the opportunity to review and refresh math knowledge and skills. After completing the course, students have the mathematical foundations for successful study, can assess their own abilities and, if necessary, take measures to close gaps in their knowledge.