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Committees & Commissioners of the Design Department

Committees & Commissioners at a Glance

Department Council

The departmental council is a body elected by the department, which includes representatives of the professors as well as scientific and technical staff and student representatives. Important decisions of the department are made by the departmental council. These include, among other things, the enactment of statutes such as study and examination regulations, decisions on structural and development planning or decisions on appointments.

Examination Board

The examination board is a body elected by the departmental council to decide on all matters relating to the department's examination regulations. The examination board is responsible for compliance with the examination regulations and for the proper conduct of the examinations. The examination board also decides on all applications and exceptions or special regulations relevant to examinations.

Student Council

The Student Council (StuRa) represents the interests of the students in the department. It is the first point of contact for questions or problems and mediator between students, lecturers and the dean's office. The StuRa promotes student projects, coordinates student activities and events in the department and looks after first-year students.


In addition to the central representatives of the university, there are representatives at the design department for the topics of study abroad, BAföG, internships and family. Our colleagues will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Department Council

The departmental council supervises the dean with regard to the fulfilment of his or her duties. In particular, it discusses the Dean's report and decides on the Dean's discharge. In order to carry out its supervision, the departmental council has a comprehensive right to information vis-à-vis the dean.
The meetings of the departmental council are generally open to the public for all members of the department, with the exception of personnel matters.


The members of the departmental council are:

  • 6 representatives of the group of university teachers,
  • 2 representatives of the group of academic staff,
  • 1 other staff member
  • 2 students

The departmental council elects a chairperson from among its members and adopts rules of procedure. The dean has the right to speak and propose motions in the departmental council. The members of the departmental council are elected by the members and staff of the department. In the case of decisions by the departmental council on appointment proposals, all professors belonging to the department have the opportunity to participate in the vote in addition to the members of the departmental council.


The Departmental Council is responsible for:

  • enacting the statutes of the department
  • deciding on the structural and development planning of the department
  • deciding on appointment proposals
  • participating in the evaluation and coordination of teaching and research in the department
  • electing and voting out the Dean and his/her deputy

Examination Board

The examination board is appointed by the departmental council and is responsible for examination matters and for the organisation of examinations. In doing so, the examination committee ensures that the provisions of the respectively valid examination and study regulations are observed and is responsible, for example, for the recognition of study and examination achievements, the granting of compensation for disadvantages, the decision on individual cases in the context of examination matters and decides on appeals against decisions made in examination procedures. The committee may delegate the execution of its tasks to the chairperson for all regular cases, with the exception of decisions on appeals and the report to the faculty. The examination board also makes suggestions for reforming the examination and study regulations as well as all other valid regulations such as the internship regulations, aptitude test regulations, etc. The members of the examination board have the right to make suggestions for reforming the examination regulations.

The members of the examination board have the right to attend the taking of examinations, with the exception of student members. All members of the examination board are subject to official secrecy.
The office of the examination board is the examination office of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

For special tasks, the examination board shall form expert commissions. A commission acts as a sub-committee of the examination board. In cases where a commission cannot reach an agreement, the matter shall be referred to the examination board.

Representative for the internship
Prof. Reto Wettach/Prof. Hermann Weizenegger (deputy)

Representative for the qualifying examinations of the Bachelor's degree programmes
Prof. Silvia Knüppel

Representative for the qualifying examinations and matters relating to the study and examination regulations for the Master's programme 
Prof. Dr. Frank Heidmann and Anouk Meissner

Representative for the synchronisation of study regulations
Anouk Meissner

BaföG Commissioner
Prof. Klaus Keller

Individual case decisions on examination postponement and discontinuation:
Responsible person: Prof. Matthias Beyrow
Registration by e-mail:
Applications should be submitted informally to the Examinations Office or to the chairperson with reference to the respective valid regulations.

Confirmation of the Learning Agreement (LA) as part of the application and in case of changes during the stay abroad:
Responsible person: Anouk Meissner
Registration Online
The signature to confirm the completed LA can also be requested digitally by e-mail to Information and application forms are available from the International Office.

Applications for the recognition of study and examination achievements completed during study-related stays abroad:
Responsible person: Prof. Myriel Milicevic
Application by e-mail:
The application can only be submitted after the stay abroad and after receipt of the Transcript of Records. The original and a copy of the Transcript of Records must be submitted; the original remains with the student after the application has been submitted. The application form can be found in Incom in Workspace 0. Examination and Study Affairs under International Affairs.

Applications for the recognition of periods of study, study and examination achievements as well as comparable achievements (internal applications for change of degree programme):
Responsible person: Prof. Matthias Beyrow
Application by e-mail:
Original and copies of certificates and external examination results from other universities must be submitted; the originals remain with the student after the application has been submitted. You can find the application form in Incom in Workspace 0. Examination and Study Matters under Forms.

Change of department internal study regulations (STO 2004>2013):
Responsible person: Anouk Meissner
Registration online
Information and application forms can be found in Incom in the workspace Organisation of the change to the new study regulations under Forms.

Applications for the recognition of professional achievements for the crediting of periods for the module "Compulsory internship":
Responsible person: Prof. Reto Wettach
Application online
Basic information on the internship on Incom.

Advice on requirements/ study agreements for Master's students incl. recognition of professional periods:
Responsible person: Anouk Meissner
Registration Online
Information and study agreement can be found in Incom in the MASTER Workspace under Study Agreement. PDF of the current study agreement.

Departmental counselling and applications for disadvantage compensation:
Responsible person: Anouk Meissner
Registration online
The application form for disadvantage compensation can be found on the central website of the FH Potsdam. In advance, you can contact the university representative.

Departmental counselling and applications for hardship cases:
Responsible person: Anouk Meissner
Application online
Information on hardship cases in the context of the application for a place at university and examples

Student Council (StuRa)

The StuRa is elected by all students of the department in the committee elections. The term of office is one year, two semesters. All students from the department can stand for election.


  • Merle Kauf
  • Alexander Münch
  • Charlotte Preger
  • Levi Heppelmann
  • Joana Meyerdierks Gomes Coelho
  • Yannick Heimburg
  • Marlene Derwort
  • Jannick Tismer
  • Clara Gabriel
  • Leo Mertens


  • represents the interests of the students within the department
  • coordinates student activities and events in the department
  • promotes student projects within the department (see project promotion)
  • is the contact person for problems with lecturers, orientation difficulties and exams
  • sends students to internal departmental committees
  • All minutes of the student council meetings can be found here

Information & Contact

Further up-to-date information can be found in the StuRa's Incom Workspace.

Meetings: Wednesdays, 14:30 in the Design Studio in House D.

Project funding by the StuRa

Every student of the department can submit applications for support of projects to the StuRa. These applications must be made in writing and should contain a clear contact person and, above all, a description of the request that is comprehensible (for outsiders). Furthermore, applications can only be submitted in advance and for non-applicable projects. The funding will only be paid out after submission of the corresponding invoices and receipts, but no later than four weeks after the end of the project.

Commissioners at the Design Department

You can find the central committees and representatives of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam here.

Overseas Representative

Professor of Elementary Design – Form and Process

BAföG Officer

Professor for Elementary Design and General Design Basics

Internship Officer

Professor for Design of Physical and Virtual Interfaces

Family Commissioner

Professor for Interaction Design

Deputy Family Commissioner