To Teach and Research at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam welcomes International guests for a teaching or research stays! We are happy that we are able to integrate guest researchers into teaching to enrich academic life.
Invitations of visiting researchers without compensation (also scholarship holders)
In order to simplify the organisational processes associated with a guest stay at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, we have developed the necessary forms in two languages in consultation with the Human Resources Department, the Student Info Service and the IT department. The proposed procedure applies to all guest researchers or doctoral students from other institutions who do not enter into an employment relationship with the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. At the same time, it makes it easier for us to register this group of people. Please proceed internally as follows.
1. Invite a visiting scholar and conclude a contract
Issue an invitation. If the response is positive, a contract for a guest stay can be drawn up. Have the two-language version of the contract filled out and signed by the head of the inviting department (dean, head of department/institute).
2. Send the contract and Campus.Card application to the visiting researcher
Send the one-sided signed contract and the application for the Campus.Card to the visiting scholar* for completion and signature. Please also ask for a digital photo to be sent to you.
3. Send contract, Campus.Card application & photo to Human Resources Department.
Then send the contract signed on both sides, the completed application for the Campus. Card and the digital photo to the Human Resources Department The contact persons are Silke Sperhake and Sophie Hanenberg.
4. Assign a personnel number, forward the application for a Campus.Card & photo to the Student Info Service.
The Human Resources Department enters the visiting scholar in the SVA, assigns a staff number, enters the personnel number on the application for a Campus.Card and sends the application and photo to the Student Info Service The contract, signed by both parties, remains in the Human Resources Office.
6. Issue Campus.Card
The Student Info Service produces the Campus.Card. This can be collected in person or forwarded to the inviting department for delivery by internal post. The contact person is Sabine Colditz.
5. Send information on the activation of the Campus.Card to the building management.
Please send an email to with information on which rooms and functions (e.g. copying at departmental expense) the Campus.Card should be activated for the visiting scholar. As a rule, visiting scholars do not receive a library card, but they can easily apply for a user card in the library.
Funding opportunities
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility
Short-term guest lectureships at FH Potsdam can also be funded through Erasmus+. If a partnership agreement exists between your home university and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, you can apply for Erasmus+ funding at the International Office of your university.
DAAD funding
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers various funding programmes for longer-term teaching and research stays.
Fulbright Scholarships
The Fulbright Foundation also supports longer-term stays of American academics in Germany for teaching and research purposes through various programme lines.
Visiting academics' reflective reports
Show moreInternational summer school
International Summer School "Childhood Studies and Children's Rights: a multi and interdisciplinary, global field of study and action" with Visiting Academic Dr. Mihai Bogdan Iovu
International summer school
International Summer School "Cross-Cultural Analysis and its Applications" with Visiting Academic Dr. Olena Mykhailenko
Int'lFlex course
Int'lFlex Course "Climate Community Street Play" with Visiting Academic Ruttikorn Vuttikorn
Int'lFlex course
Int'lFlex Course "Gender Issues in Russia" with Visiting Academic Prof. Elena Zdravomyslova
Projects with the participation of the International Office
More projectsInternational Study and Training Partnership with the National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
Exchange programme for students and teachers within the framework of the DAAD ISAP programme
IFMB2 - International Professionals for the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region
Promoting international talent for integration into studies and the labour market
Learning from Pompeii (view from the North). The ancient urban form for the future city
As part of the Erasmus + KA131 Blended Intensive programme, students have the opportunity to engage intensively with the city of Pompeii in both a digital and analogue component and to derive new design ideas through international exchange.
Unfolding Spaces
Development of an English-language online course between the Design Department and the College of Design at the partner university NTUT in Taiwan
FL²@Int'lFlex – Research-based Teaching and Learning in an International Context
Institutional and structural measures for strategic funding in an international context in the program of the German Academic Exchange Service "HAW.International Module A"
Interdisciplinary at the Monument
Transfer, innovative methods and research-based learning in practical projects for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan
Children's Rights Studies Online (CRS Online)
Development of three digital modules on children's rights issues
- Contract for a guest stay (bilingual) (PDF, 98.89 KB)