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Global Opportunities for FHP Students

Girlande mit internationalen Flaggen

Are you studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and have a stay abroad on your bucket list? We are the hub for all international exchange activities. We open doors for you, offer information on our exchange programmes and accompany you in planning your stay abroad.

At a glance

Making a decision


We offer a wide range of services to help you get off to a good start on your experience abroad. Start preparing now.

Dates & News

Events and special announcements for stays abroad can be found here:


Contact persons

If you have any questions about the organisation of your studies, suitable mobility windows in your degree programme, the recognition of credits earned abroad and the subject specialisations of partner universities, for example, please contact the

Listen and plan your semester abroad

General Studies: Go abroad!

There are many opportunities to study abroad at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Zoe and Freddy from the Campus Specialists talk to Anke Weiß from the International Office at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam about the possibilities.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zu allgemeinen Fragen zum Studium Folge 3: Ab ins Ausland!

Conservation and Restoration: Experience abroad/Erasmus

Silja and Anne describe their experiences abroad during their conservation and restoration studies in Rome. They share tips on finding accommodation and learning languages, among other things. So: listen in and let their enthusiasm for Italy inspire you!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 7: Auslands-/ Erasmus-Erfahrung

Tips for the right stay abroad

International experiences and intercultural knowledge are indispensable qualifications for university graduates today. However, before you start making concrete plans for your project, you should gather as much information as possible. Use this website to do so, come to an advisory event in your department, or visit the International Office. In each degree programme and department, there are also contact people for planning stays abroad, e.g. the head of the degree programme or Erasmus representatives. We will help you with your plans!

When to start planning?

If you want to go abroad for a while, you should get advice early on. We recommend starting to plan at the beginning of your studies, and at the very latest a year before you plan to go. Scholarship programmes often have fixed deadlines and you also have to adhere to deadlines to apply for a study visit.

How long to go abroad?

If you want to live in another country for half a year or a whole year, studying abroad is a good option for you. The practical semester is also suitable for a longer stay abroad. You can also squeeze in an internship during the lecture-free period. And if you just want to briefly get a taste of the culture of a foreign country, you can apply for a language course, or a summer school or winter school.

What to do abroad?

There are various ways to spend a period of study abroad. Which one is best depends on the stage of your studies, your language skills, the period of time you want to spend abroad and your financial means. The following are the typical types of stays abroad through the FHP: study, internship, language course, summer or winter schools, writing your thesis.

Where to go?

A large part of the planning depends on where the stay abroad is spent. Decisive factors for the destination region are language skills, partner universities, country safety and personal interest in the culture of the host country. Do you want to stay in Europe or do you want to look beyond Europe? Depending on where you want to go, there are suitable programmes and scholarships.

You can't? You can!

Not true, if you consider the following: A stay abroad in the form of a semester or internship abroad may already be explicitly provided for in your degree programme. Many degree programmes have suggested a mobility window in the study regulations or you can deepen your knowledge on the International Track. Check your study regulations or ask your study advisor.

You can apply for leave of absence for the duration of your stay abroad (internships and semesters abroad). Students on leave of absence remain members of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Semesters on leave are counted as university semesters, but not as subject semesters. For further information on leave of absence and how to apply, please contact the Student Services.

You can have your work completed abroad recognised at the FH Potsdam. To do so, you need to conclude an agreement before your stay and apply for recognition of your work abroad after your stay.

Many financing options lead to the world! Don't let a lack of finances stop you and check all options in good time. Some exchange programmes are automatically linked to funding, while others allow you to apply for travel or accommodation grants.

We have already compiled an overview of funding for stays abroad for you and will be happy to advise you individually on funding opportunities.

Planning a stay abroad with a family involves more effort than for those travelling alone. But you as parents benefit from it and the time spent together abroad is also something special for your children. Other students have already successfully tried out studying abroad with a child. You are also eligible to receive financial support. For example, you can receive special funding of up to 10,000 euros per semester in the Erasmus+ programme if you travel abroad with a child. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam will be happy to help you.


Through the exchange programmes and scholarship programmes, there are numerous opportunities that are geared towards people with impairments and chronic illnesses. For example, the Erasmus+ programme and the DAAD scholarship programmes provide grants, for example for preparatory travel in the host country and for the additional expenses that may be incurred due to the illness abroad. You can receive funding of up to 10,000 euros for your stay abroad.

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam also supports you in your project! Contact the International Office and the representative for the interests of university members with disabilities.

The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) provides information about opportunities for mobility with disabilities and the Studentenwerk Potsdam offers many tips on studying abroad with disabilities.

Students' reflective reports

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Semester abroad National Taipei University of Technology - Bachelor Interface Design

Vivien is studying Interface Design (BA) at the FHP. Here she reports on her semester abroad at the partner university NTUT in the summer semester 2024



Semester abroad National Taipei University of Technology – Bachelor Interfacedesign

Emil is studying Interfacedesign (BA) at the FHP. Here he reports on his semester abroad at the partner university NTUT in the winter semester 2023/24.



Semester abroad Università degli Studi di Palermo - Arts Management and Cultural Work (B. A.)

Joshua is studying Cultural Work (B.A.) at the FHP. Here he reports about his semester abroad at the partner university Università degli Studi di Palermo in the winter semester 2022/23.



Semester abroad at the Università degli Studi Firenze - Social Work (B. A.)

Dame reports here on her experiences during her semester abroad at the partner university Università degli Studi Firenze in the winter semester 2022/23 on the Social Work degree programme (B.A.).
Eine blaue Figur hält eine rote Figure an den Händen fest.
© Emilia Cabrera, Sofia Cubillos, Reto Riha

Become a Buddy

Would you like to actively help new international students arrive and settle at the FHP for their stay abroad? Then become a buddy and support other students at the start of their studies!

Titelbild FHP Connect mit Pins

Follow FHP Connect

Take part in the FHP Connect international events during the semester and get to know international students at the FHP.

Internationale Flaggen wehen im Wind

Learning languages

For your stay abroad, we recommend a level of B2 in the teaching or working language. At least B1 level is expected by most institutions and universities. For many applications to study abroad, you will need language certificates. The FH Potsdam cooperates with the VHS Potsdam and offers language courses that can be subsidised upon application to the International Office.

Coachingsituation im Lab mit 4 Personen an der Tafel
© Stephanie Drömer

Participate in intercultural workshops

Intercultural workshops with professional trainers are offered every semester to prepare for the adventure of studying abroad.

You can find the current dates in our schedule.


More events
Panel Discussion
29/04/2025, 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm

The Challenge Career Entry: Architecture and Construction – Discussion and Networking Event

Zielgruppe: University members
Location: House DRoom 011
06/05/2025, 10.00 am – 5.00 pm

Confident Personal Branding: from Bio to CV

Zielgruppe: Students
Location: House DRoom 106

News & Opportunities

More news
Study & Teaching


Don't miss out: Language courses for FHP students starting soon

Double benefit during your studies: The VHS Potsdam and the FHP offer students language courses for which 50% of the course fees are reimbursed and up to 5 credits can be credited. Find out more and enrol now!

Study & Teaching


DAAD Graduation Scholarships Summer Semester 2025

Scholarships for international students at the FHP - Application deadline: 1st of April 2024

University policy

Press release

Delegation from the German-Jordanian University (GJU) in Dialogue with the Student Committees of the FH Potsdam

On the 9th of December 2024, a delegation from the German Jordanian University (GJU) visited the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) to gain insights into the structures and work of student self-administration. The group, consisting of three students and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr…

Study & Teaching

Press release

Delegation from The Technical University of Kenya on a return visit to FH Potsdam

As part of a Fact Finding Mission 2024 funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is welcoming a delegation from The Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) from 2 to 7 December 2024. The aim of the visit is to deepen bilateral relations, in…

Contact persons in the departments and degree programmes

Counselling in the Department of Social Sciences and Education (all degree programmes)

Education Management Professional Teaching & International Affairs
Social Work Coordination, Focus on Family (M. A.), maps
Coordination Students4Students

Counselling in the Department of Civil Engineering (all degree programmes)

Professor of Steel and Steel Composite Construction
Head of Construction Laboratory for Structural Engineering (BKI)

Counselling in the Department of Information Sciences (all degree programmes)

Chair of Library Science – Strategies, Service Development, Science Communication

Counselling in the Design department (all degree programmes)

Professor of Elementary Design – Form and Process

Counselling in the degree programme Arts Management and Cultural Work

Academic Assistant, International Affairs and Internships

Counselling in the degree programme Architecture and Urban Design (BA and MA)

Akademischer Mitarbeiter für Betreuung und Entwurf 1. und 2. Semester

Counselling in the degree programme Conservation and Restauration (BA and MA)

Professor of Natural Sciences in the Conservation and Restoration programme

Counselling in the degree programme Urban Futures

Research professor for resource-optimised and climate-adapted construction
Head of Urban Future (M. A.)
