Press release
Delegation from the German-Jordanian University (GJU) in Dialogue with the Student Committees of the FH Potsdam

On the 9th of December 2024, a delegation from the German Jordanian University (GJU) visited the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) to gain insights into the structures and work of student self-administration. The group, consisting of three students and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Thelal Oweis, used the visit for an intensive exchange with Potsdam students.
During the visit, Prof. Constanze Langer, Vice President for Digitalisation and International Affairs, first presented the university and its special features. A tour of the campus gave the guests from Jordan a first impression of student life and the FHP's infrastructure. Student Vice President Leo Blohm and student representatives of the FHP then discussed the work in committees, everyday student co-determination and the challenges of self-administration with the guests from the Jordanian partner university.
Background to the visit
The visit by the GJU delegation takes place in the context of significant progress in student co-determination in Jordan. This year, elections for a student parliament were held for the first time at universities throughout the country, including at the German-Jordanian University. At GJU, a female student was elected president of the student parliament – a first in Jordan. In order to further promote this democratic process and establish the structures of effective student self-administration, the GJU would like to give its students the opportunity to learn from the experiences and structures at partner universities.
"Student committees play a key role at our university. They represent the interests of students within the university, actively shape decision-making processes and campaign for issues that are of particular importance to the student body, such as social issues, sustainability or improving teaching. The fact that we can share these structures and our experiences with the GJU is not only a valuable contribution to the promotion of student co-determination at the GJU, but also an enrichment for ourselves. It shows how important international exchange is for finding solutions to challenges together and learning from each other," emphasised Prof. Constanze Langer.
The visit served to promote international exchange and strengthen the partnership between the FHP and the GJU. It is also intended to support the development of effective student self-administration at the GJU and in Jordan as a whole.