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Campus Specialists in the Department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE

Offers by the Campus Specialists in the department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE

Podcast by Mara and Nicole

How does the building survey work? How do you prepare for the qualifying examination?

Everywhere you listen to podcasts.

Podcast by Nicolai and Basti

In the interview, Rebekka talks about her first experiences at university and what she had to struggle with.

Podcast by Anne and Silja

The podcast is about the practice-oriented conservation and restoration degree programme, projects, the aptitude test and the individual fields of study.

CampusTalk with Louisa

Louisa Elle from the Arts Management and Cultural work degree programme reports on how she found her degree programme, what makes the programme and the FHP in general special, and what she envisions for her own future.

CampusTalk with Marie

Marie Rochnia from the Architecture and Urban Design degree programme reports on how she found her way to her degree programme, what makes it and studying at the FHP in general so special and what she envisions for her own future.

CampusTalk with Leon

Leon Tettke from the Conservation and Restauration degree programme (stone) reports on how he found his way to his degree programme, what makes it and studying at the FHP in general so special and what he envisions for his own future.

Get to know us!

Contact our campus specialists to find out more about your desired course of study first hand.

Lilly, Architecture and Urban Design

What I like about my degree programme ...
the variety. The things we learn about the craft: about drawing, painting, measuring, writing, working with wood, plaster, clay or working with programmes on a laptop. You learn to go through the world with different – more attentive eyes.

The special thing about studying architecture here at the University of Applied Sciences is...
that everyone has their own workspace in a large studio – their second living room during their studies. There you can always exchange ideas with your fellow students as well as with your lecturers.

Joscha, Architecture and Urban Design

What I like about my degree programme...
the teamwork among the students, but also with the lecturers, the variety of approaches to solving problems and the constant interplay between theory and practice.

My favourite course is... 
design, because you are faced with a new challenge every semester and every project has new themes that need to be expressed architecturally.

Degree Programmes of the department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE

More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Architecture and Urban Design (BA) German Winter semester

15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)

Architecture and Urban Design (MA) German Winter semester

15/05 – 15/06 (restricted admission)

Arts Management and Cultural Work (BA) German Winter semester

15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission) | Dates of the selection interviews: 27/06 – 28/06 und 18/07 – 19/07

Conservation and Restauration (BA) German Winter semester

15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)

Registration for the qualifying examination:

01/11 – 18/01 / Date of aptitude test: 30-31/01/25

Conservation and Restauration (MA) German Summer semester

15/01 – 10/03 (free of admission)

Urban Futures (MA) German Winter semester

15/05 – 15/06 (restricted admission)