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Application for a Higher Semester/Change of University

You would like to transfer to our university? We will show you ways in which you can continue your studies with us. There are also opportunities for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam students to enter a higher semester with an application – either because you would like to change your degree programme within the university or because you would like to resume your studies after a longer break.

Information on the application

Within the scope of the application, the examination board of the respective department decides on the recognition of achievements already made and the placement in the respective subject semester.
Please note: Applicants for a change of degree programme or for admission to and continuation of studies in a Bachelor's degree programme should use the online application via our university portal MyCampus. Please note the deadlines: 15 January for the summer semester and 15 July for the winter semester!

  1. Application for Admission and Continuation of Studies for a Change of University or Resumption of Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
  2. Application for recognition of achievements: Within the scope of recognition, knowledge and skills acquired outside of higher education can be credited towards a degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
  3. Application for a placement examination: By taking a placement examination (special university examination), applicants can prove that they have knowledge and skills that justify placement in a higher semester at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
  4. Application for a change of degree programme for a change of degree programme within the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam



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