Committees of the Information Sciences Department
Committees at a Glance
Department Council
The departmental council is a body elected by the department, which includes representatives of the professors as well as scientific and technical staff and student representatives. Important decisions of the department are made by the departmental council. These include, among other things, the enactment of statutes such as study and examination regulations, decisions on structural and development planning or decisions on appointments.
Examination Board
The examination board is a body elected by the departmental council to decide on all matters relating to the department's examination regulations. The examination board is responsible for compliance with the examination regulations and for the proper conduct of the examinations. The examination board also decides on all applications and exceptions or special regulations relevant to examinations.
Student Council
The Student Council (StuRa) represents the interests of the students in the department. It is the first point of contact for questions or problems and mediator between students, lecturers and the dean's office. The StuRa promotes student projects, coordinates student activities and events in the department and looks after first-year students.
Department Council
The department of the information sciences department meets regularly once a month. Rules of procedure of the departmental council
Academic Staff
- Sven Hirsch (moved up)
- Elena Semenova
- Corinna Stoll
Non-academic staff
- Anna-Martina Lentz (moved up)
- Ulf Preuß (Deputy)
Student Representatives
- Robynne-Marie Winkler
Examination Board
Please send applications and questions to the examination board to
You can also find important decisions of the Examination Committee on examination performance here.
Academic staff
Student Representatives
- Evi Milz
- Robin Josefine Dannewitz
- Jule Lange