- Competence development in dealing with information in an increasingly digital information and communication environment (information didactics, information behaviour research, data, information and media literacy)
- Concepts and methods of transdisciplinary and participatory research (transdisciplinarity as a research mode, knowledge integration, quality assurance of transdisciplinary research)
- Concepts and methods of knowledge transfer
- Scientific socialisation (basics of scientific theory, methodology and methodology, basics of communication, moderation and presentation)
Suggested topics for final theses
Information behaviour research, information didactics & information literacy
- How do students search for scientific information? A meta-analysis of existing studies with a special focus on similarities and differences between the different subject cultures (meta-analysis)
- Assessment criteria of AI-generated information (in studies / in science / in everyday life) - (systematic literature review or empirical study)
- A comparison of the concepts of "knowledge cultures" (Karin Knorr-Cetina), "thinking collectives & thinking styles" (Ludwig Fleck) and "domain analysis" (Birger Hjorland) and their relevance for research into the information behaviour of different groups - (theoretical work)
- What does information literacy mean in the digital society? A critical examination of current concepts of digital, media, information and data literacy (theoretical work)
- Didactic design of programmes to promote information literacy for individual target groups or teaching/learning content
Transdisciplinary knowledge generation, knowledge transfer
- Evaluation of knowledge transfer formats of the presence centre Luckenwalde of the FH Potsdam and the TH Wildau (evaluation study in the context of the project "Präsenzstelle Luckenwalde")
- Best practice analysis of the (knowledge) transfer portals of selected universities (best practice analysis in the context of the "InNoWest" project)
- Expectations regarding the transfer of knowledge from non-municipal stakeholders in Potsdam / Brandenburg (empirical survey in the context of the "InNoWest" project)
- Concepts and methods of knowledge integration in transdisciplinary research (systematic literature review)
- Empirical analysis of transdisciplinary modes of knowledge generation (e.g. real-world laboratory research, participatory research)
- 1st prize for the MWFK-funded transfer project at the international Triple E-Award in the category ‘EDI Community Engagement Initiative of the Year’ (2024)
- Award for the BMBF-funded research project MaaS L.A.B.S. as a finalist (TN final round) and award of the Innovation Award for Real-World Laboratories 2022 (BMWK, category ‘Insights’)
- Nomination of the BMBF-funded research project MaaS L.A.B.S. for the ‘German Mobility Award 2022’ (BMDV, category ‘Transfer of Experience’)
- Award for the MWFK-funded transfer project ‘Präsenzstelle Luckenwalde’ as a finalist (TN final round) in the competition ‘Digital Places in the Land of Ideas’ 2023 (‘Land of Ideas’ initiative)
- Founding member of the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) since July 2023
- Founding member of the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance) since August 2022
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) since October 2017
- Since October 2017 Member of the Faculty Council of the Department of Information Sciences at the FHP
- 2017-2019 Member of the Curriculum 4.0 working group in the University Forum for Digitalisation
- Member of the Information Science University Association since 2017
- Since 2016 Founding member of the information literacy section of the Conference of Information and Library Science Training and Study Programmes (KIBA)
- Since 2016 Juror for the scholarship programme "Aufstiegsstipendium" of the Stiftung Begabtenförderung Berufliche Bildung, which acts on behalf of and with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Founding member of the information literacy section of the Conference of Information and Library Science Education since 2016
- Since 2016 Member of the Sociology of Knowledge section of the German Sociological Association
- 2015-2017 Member of the examination board of the Bachelor's degree programme in Library and Information Management, University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Administration of Justice in Bavaria, Munich
- 2015 Member of the examination board of the Diplom-Bibliothekar/in degree programme, University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Administration of Justice in Bavaria, Munich
- 2014 - 2015 Board member (treasurer) of the Association of German Librarians, Bavarian State Association
- 2007 - 2010 Member of the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC)
- 2009 Member of the Library Advisory Board of Brill Academic Publishers
- 2008 - 2009 Representative of the Max Planck Society in the National Licensing Working Group of the Alliance of German Science Organisations
- Since 2006 Member of the Association of German Librarians
- 2003 - 2008 Member of the founding board of the Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus e.V. (Villigst Research Forum on National Socialism, Racism and Anti-Semitism)
- Member of the German Sociological Association since 2003