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Podcast of the Campus Specialists

In the podcast series, campus specialists give insights into their everyday life as students. They share their experiences of looking for a place at university and take a close look at the study process.

Study! But what?

General Studies

Zoe and Freddy are your campus specialists!

Architecture and Urban Design

Mara and Nicole are your campus specialists!

Archival Studies and Library Sciences

Carolin and Santiago are your campus specialists!

Civil Engineering

Felix and Shari are your campus specialists!

Education and upbringing in childhood

Saskia and Gorden are your campus specialists!


Rebekka and Toni are your campus specialists!

European Media Studies

Jana and Nicola are your campus specialists!

Information and Data Management

Elias and Tim are your campus specialists!

Conservation and Restoration

Anne and Silja are your campus specialists!

Arts Management and Cultural Work

Nicolai and Basti are your campus specialists!

Social Work

Lotte and Hendrik are your campus specialists!

General Studies – Zoe and Freddy

Matri...what? Matriculation, i. e. enrolment in a degree programme, is not always easy. What requirements must be met before enrolment and where can you apply and enrol? Our professionals Zoe and Freddy have compiled all the information.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zu allgemeinen Fragen zum Studium Folge 1: Immatrikulation - Wie geht das?

Studying costs money. In this episode, Zoe and Freddy show you how to finance your studies. In addition, there are practical savings tips from the personal savings foxes.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zu allgemeinen Fragen zum Studium Folge 2: Studienfinanzierung- Wie geht das?

La dolce study in Milan? No problem! There are many opportunities to study abroad at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Zoe and Freddy talk to Anke Weiß from the International Office at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam about the possibilities.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zu allgemeinen Fragen zum Studium Folge 3: Ab ins Ausland!

An era is coming to an end: After 3 years, more than 50 episodes and about 20 hours of published audio material and many podcast experiences, the student counselling service is now ending the podcast series "Die Campusspezialist*innen" for the time being. Together with us, and above all with a lot of heart and soul, the campus specialists have embarked on the adventure of developing a podcast for prospective students.

Freddy and Zoe, together with Maria and Katrin, look back on the time. Were the beginnings a bit bumpy? How was it possible to create a successful podcast product that will hopefully support many future prospective students in their orientation and decision-making process?

This and many more insights into favourite and aha moments can be heard in this (for now last) podcast series.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zu allgemeinen Fragen zum Studium Folge 4: La Grande Finale - Eine Rückschau

Architecture and Urban Design – Mara and Nicole

How does one get into architecture? Why is it never too late to break new ground? You can find out all this and much more in this episode.
Mara and Nicole give you insider knowledge, explain the special features of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and everything you need to know about applying for the bachelor's degree programme in architecture and urban planning. Have you ever wondered whether architecture is only something for men? Mara and Nicole also ask themselves this question. You can also find an outlook on this in the episode.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Architektur und Städtebau Folge 1: Zwei Architekturstudierende stellen sich vor

How do you put together the portfolio for the application? In this episode of the campus specialists at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, we look at how an aptitude test works. What should you think about beforehand? Nicole and Mara give an insight into the aptitude test and also into the subject of free drawing.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Architektur und Städtebau Folge 2: Einblick in eine Eignungsprüfung

In their third episode, Nicole and Mara give an insight into building surveys and also into the subject of structural engineering. How exactly does a building survey work? What should one pay attention to in order to master it? Mara and Nicole pass on insider knowledge, explain the special features of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and everything about applying and starting your studies.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Architektur und Städtebau Folge 3: Der Start ins Studium

Archival Studies and Library Sciences – Santiago and Carolin

Carolin and Santiago, from the Archival Studies and Library Sciences degree programmes at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, introduce themselves. Both talk about their professional and private dreams, their careers and reveal one or two facts about themselves. Can you tell the quality of a book by the way it smells? What do librarians do apart from "shhhh"? Find out this and much more in this episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 1: Vorhang auf

Carolin and Santiago tell you about their beginnings in their studies, the events on the day of the matriculation ceremony, the big and small challenges of the introductory week and also throw around important definitions to give you an easy introduction to the contents of their studies.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 2: Die Stunde null

In this episode, Carolin explains that she didn't really have "stress with Heinrich", but rather why palaeography is sometimes a bit of a challenge. Carolin is studying archival studiesand Santiago is studying library sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

The episode also deals with what exactly "Sütterlin" and "Kurrent" are all about and how Carolin managed to master these challenges. Santiago gives a few helpful tips, for example, for exams and for leisure activities after lectures and seminars.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 3: Stress mit Heinrich

In their 4th episode, Carolin and Santiago take the leap from preenz studies to digital studies. Carolin is studying archival studies in her bachelor's degree and Santiago is studying library sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. This episode gives an insight into the beginnings and challenges the two went through and solved. You also learn why it's not always a bad thing to be able to turn off the screen once in a while and still be fully present in the lecture or seminar. Santiago takes you into his "workshop". What this has to do with the topic of coworking spaces and why this is relevant to the library science degree programme in particular is also reported in this episode. Carolin and Santiago also talk about what is optional and what is compulsory in the degree programme.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 4: Digitale Lehre und der Vorteil von schwarzen Bildschirmen

This episode is all about internships. Carolin and Santiago take the listeners with them: from the search for an internship, to their first day at work, to their exciting tasks and how they dealt with routine and variety on the job. And of course they also present their internships.
Everything you need to know about the internship is included in this episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 5: Rein in die Praxis!

The summer semester 2020 was the first corona semester. Large parts of the teaching were moved to digital platforms. Now, in the summer semester of 2022, it was finally back to campus completely. In this episode of the campus specialists, Carolin and Santiago tell us how student life on campus continues and what has changed since Corona. Thanks to the removal of numerous contact restrictions, many excursions are possible again.
Also in this episode: How beautiful the campus garden is with its buzzing bumblebees and why steel beams can save the lives of archivists.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 6: Zurück in die Präsenzlehre

The end of everything and in general? In their last episode, Santiago and Carolin take a look back. On the conference, which Santiago helped to organise, the sword of Damocles called the Bachelor's thesis, which Carolin tackles with Gallic composure, and her studies, which are coming to an end. But they also take a look into the future, at what comes after the end. If you want to know how helpful a chainsaw can be for your final thesis, you should definitely listen in!

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Archiv und Bibliothekswissenschaft Folge 7: Das Ende

Civil Engineering – Shari and Felix

Shari and Felix are enthusiastic civil engineering students and tell us how they found their enthusiasm for the subject. Because: In our lives, we are constantly surrounded by constructions in which civil engineers are significantly involved. So it's worth taking a look behind the scenes of construction, planning and innovation in civil engineering! In our studies, we get a good insight into the future as civil engineers through laboratory exercises, for example. In this podcast, we also want to give you this insight.

But there is much more to discover! For example: What is the difference between a dual and a full-time study programme? And how did Shari score in her selection process?

Podcast Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen mit Shari und Felix Folge 1: Achtung es wird dreckig! -  Baustellen, Beton und Mathetest

Shari and Felix are enthusiastic civil engineering students and in this episode they tell us what exciting experiences they have had in their past semester together. Because they worked together on the Betonkanu project, an elective module with a small festival at the end. Shari also took part in an excursion to Sweden and tells us about her experiences.

But there is much more to discover! For example: What options are there for specialisation after the Bachelor's degree? And what about compulsory attendance?

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen Folge 2: Die Qual der Wahl von Exkursionen und Projekten

Shari and Felix are enthusiastic civil engineering students and in this episode they explain the basics of the study structure. They explain the term "module" in more detail and go into the structure of the degree programme. They talk a lot about one module that accompanied them in the first half of their studies - engineering mathematics and construction informatics.
But there is much more to discover! For example: What opportunities are there for preparation and knowledge refreshment before the bachelor's degree? In addition, you will hear many anecdotes from the two from their first semesters.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen Folge 3: Sehnsüchtig erwartet – die Facts zum Studiengang

Shari and Felix are enthusiastic civil engineering students and in this episode they will introduce you to further modules of the civil engineering course at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. It's all about building construction, building physics, building materials, statics and surveying. They also share anecdotes from their everyday student life, for example the story of the student ID card that kept getting lost.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Bauingenieurwesen Folge 4: Reflektion nach Regeneration - die Facts zum Studiengang (Teil 2)

Early Childhood Education – Saskia and Gorden

In their first episode, Saskia and Gorden first introduce themselves in more detail. Both are studying Early Childhood Education (BABEK) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Saskia is 29 and an educator. Gorden is 23 and a three-hundredths carpenter. How the two found their way to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can be heard in the first episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit Folge 1: Wer sind Saskia und Gorden

In the second episode, Saskia and Gorden report on their studies. Both are studying early childhood education (BABEK) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. What do developmental psychology, law and empirical social research have to do with the study of early childhood education? And why is there a workshop? In this episode you can find out what it's like to study at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in a manageable group of 30 people!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit Folge 2: Welche Vorlesungen und Seminare warten auf dich?

In the third episode, Saskia and Gorden give an insight into the content of their studies. Both are studying early childhood education (BABEK) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdan. What knowledge and competences are taught to future childhood educators during their studies? What content did Gorden and Saskia find particularly exciting and were there any "aha" moments? You can find out this and more in the third episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit Folge 3: Worum geht's im BABEK-Studium?

Design – Rebekka and Toni

This is the podcast premiere of design students Toni and Rebekka. The two give a brief insight into the product and communication design degree programmes. Listeners also find out what they would like to be famous with one day, what a cleaning clock is and how they actually came to study design.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Design Folge 1: Design oder nicht sein?

The second podcast episode by the two designers Toni and Rebekka takes a thorough look at design studies from three sides. To ensure that all disciplines of design studies are represented, this time former interface design student Donatus joins in. The three of them not only talk about what it's like to study interdisciplinary design, but also give insights into the possibility of studying abroad and looking beyond the horizon of the degree programme during the practical semester.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Design Folge 2: Design dreifach studieren

In this episode of the campus specialists, you'll learn all about the design department's aptitude test. Rebekka and Toni talk about how the exam works, what you have to apply even suitable for soll and how they fared during their exam. They report on, why you don't have to be a perfect designer to shine in the aptitude test and why you shouldn't be afraid of it.. On the contrary: you should even look forward to it! look forward to it! In addition tips and tricks on how to get through your exam, how to heat up coffee when your cooker your cooker and how Rebekka beat her examiners.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Design Folge 3: Die Eignungsprüfung

European Media Studies – Jana and Nicola

Let's go – Nicola and Jana give all those interested in media a taste of european media studies (EMW)! Both are studying already in the Master and clean up and dispel clichés about media studies in their first episode: "Something with media" can do a lot! This episode is about what you should bring with you to get started with EMW at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Uni Potsdam.
Also in this episode: Nicola reveals which animal she would be for a day and why Jana likes the campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam best.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang EMW Folge 1: EMWas mit Medien

No idea about studying European Media Studies? In this episode Nicola and Jana reveal the secrets around the the module, credit points and co. What does it even mean to study and what do you learn at the EMW in Potsdam?
They get reinforcements on board and chat with Jana T. (they/them) about personal experiences in the EMW-Bachelor.
Finally, there are the "EMW goodies" on top and a few laughs at the live play test "Medium/Film/Author".


Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Europaische Medienwissenschaft Folge 2: Studi-Basics

What comes after a day full of lectures and seminars? – That's right: a little student fun in Potsdam!
In this episode, Nicola and Jana tell you what fun things are waiting for you at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. There are opportunities to get involved and meet new people – on campus and in the city.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Europäische Medienwissenschaft Folge 3: FUN FUN FUN in Potsdam

It was great and we say goodbye!

In the last episode of the EMW Campus Specialists, it's all about the grande finale – the final theses. Jana and Nicola talk about their upcoming Master's final projects and the personal highlights of their studies. Freddy is also a guest. He can already breathe a sigh of relief, because he has just handed in his Bachelor's thesis and talks about his experiences. Theoretical papers or practical projects? You can hear what is possible in the last episode from Jana and Nicola.


Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Europäische Medienwissenschaft Folge 4: Goodbye Potsdam – Die Abschiedsfolge

Information and Data Management – Elias and Tim

Data, information and knowledge? Three terms, but what do they actually have to do with each other and what exactly does the information and data management degree programme deal with? Don't worry – if you have a lot of question marks in your head, don't despair! That's what the campus specialists Tim and Elias are there for. When Tim is not out and about on his bike and Elias is out and about with his camera, both are already in their fourth semester at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. They answer your questions, tell you all about their degree programme and give you important information about information and data management. In the first episode, the two introduce themselves, give a first insight into their studies and how they came to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. So make yourself comfortable and listen in!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 1: Über Wege und Umwege an die Fachhochschule Potsdam

Enough about us: now it's time for the real thing! We are starting the first semester! In the second episode of the podcast "Die Campusspezialisten" (The Campus Specialists) on the information and data management degree programme, Tim and Elias talk about their experiences in the first semester. From the first day and the matriculation ceremony to the first week and the modules that are due in the first semester to the exams, you can find out everything about studying and starting at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 2: Erstes Semester erste große Prüfung

It's hard to believe, but we're halfway through!In the third episode of the podcast by the campus specialists from the information and data management programme, Tim and Elias look back on the past weeks and the end of their fourth semester. Afterwards, the two were stuck between homework, holiday plans and the upcoming internship semester. So Tim and Elias had a lot to do. The two of them want to talk about it extensively and tell a tale from their lives as students of information and data management.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 3: Zwischen Ferien, Hausarbeiten und Praxissemester

It's crazy how time flies! In the last episode, Elias was still at the beginning of his internship and Tim still had a lot on his plate with the Uni-Contact fair and his jobs. A few weeks later and the 5th semester is coming to an end. In this episode, the two of them report on how they have been, look back on the past year and tell us what they have been up to lately. Is Elias still enjoying his internship? And how are things going with Tim and his homework? In addition to these topics, there are cool tips on finding an internship and, above all, on preparing for exams. You'll find out how you can master your semester and get all the events, modules and exams under one hat. They also take a look at the sixth semester and what awaits them there.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 4: How to: Tipps und Strategien für das IuD-Studium

Back to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam! Tim and Elias can hardly believe it, but after four online semesters, it's finally time to see each other in person again. While campus life is getting back into gear, the two of them dug through their memories and asked themselves in which semester they learned the most practical things. In addition to cool information about the modules with the highest practical content, you'll get useful tips about the tools you'll get to know there. Tim and Elias will also tell you about useful programmes that can make your everyday life easier. To round things off, there are also tips for the beginning of spring in Potsdam. Nothing stands in the way of the new semester!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 5: Für jeden Kurs das passende Programm

The sun is shining, the campus is busier than it has been for a long time and the semester is slowly coming to an end. Naturally, some people start to think about this. How do I spend the summer? Do I do a holiday job? Can I also get involved in the university of applied sciences during my free time?
Not to worry! Tim and Elias take advantage of the opportunity and tell us first-hand what you can do outside of your studies. From jobs at the university, activities as a student trainee in The episode covers everything that is important about "working while studying". So be curious and listen in!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 6: Arbeiten neben dem Studium – lets work it

The new semester has begun! Time for the final spurt. At least for Elias, who is diligently working on his bachelor's thesis, while Tim is currently completing his practical semester. But that's not what this episode is about. The two of them have thought of something special for you and have organised an interview. Between falling autumn leaves and chirping birds, the two philosophise about information and data management and the University of Applied Sciences together with the head of the programme, Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß. Look forward to a new perspective and studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam!

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 7: Es ist Zeit für neue Blickwinkel.mp3

Hard to believe how quickly time flies. It feels like Tim and Elias have just recorded their first podcast episodes in Tim's apartment. Now it's time to say goodbye in the recording studio of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. Because this episode is the last episode of the podcast of the information and data management team. But Tim and Elias don't let that bring them down and have packed the last episode again with lots of information and tips. The main topic of the episode is how the course will continue in the future and what new content you can look forward to after starting your studies. The last two episodes then review and report from their perspective what excites them so much about information and data management. At the end of the podcast series, the two want to give a few personal words and statements. Also listen in!

Podcast Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Informations- und Datenmanagement Folge 8: Auf ein Letztes

Conservation and Restoration – Anne and Silja

In their first episode, Anne and Silja introduce themselves. Both are studying conservation and restoration in the field of wood. Silja is a trained woodwind instrument maker and Anne is also studying art science with a focus on the materiality of art. How the two found their way to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can be heard in the first episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 1: Wer sind Anne und Silja?

In their second episode, Anne and Silja go into detail about the entrance procedure for their studies. What is behind the components of the aptitude test: Essay, Artistic Exam, Exercises and Technical Discussions or Natural Science Exam? Why observing and describing are important skills for the degree programme and that you shouldn't panic because the professors are simply nice can be heard in this episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 2: Wie läuft die Eignungsprüfung ab?

In their third and fourth episodes, Silja and Anne are joined by interviewees from other fields of study. This time Silja interviews her fellow student Hanna in the podcast. This episode deals with the following questions: Which objects do the students of mural painting field of study work on? How does the collaborative work on the objects work? Why do you need a cross-section examination?

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 3: Perspektivenwechsel - Studienrichtung Wandmalerei

In her fourth episode, Anne interviews Rebecca in the podcast, she is studying conservation and restoration in the stone field of study. This time it's all about the questions: What do the students do on the objects? What is petrology? Where do the students go on excursions? What research projects are going on at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in the stone field of study?

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 4: Nah am Objekt - Stein ist nicht gleich Stein

The start of a degree course in restoration and conservation also involves a lot of practice, as Anne and Silja, campus specialists at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, show in their 5th podcast episode. The two got to know each other before their studies during their study-preparatory internship with a freelance conservator and explain what they were able to take away from this time for their studies.

During their studies, the two gained different experiences: in workshops at independent restorers or institutional institutions, such as museums or the palace department. Why do Silja and Anne recommend doing an internship before studying? Where can I go for a practical semester? Which internship is the right one and how do you find it? What are the advantages of working in a museum, and what are the advantages of working as a freelance conservator? What does Silja do veneer supplements for? Where does she use oil sanding?

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 5: Praxis im Studium

This episode is all about wood as a field of study! The two give insights into their personal experiences and decisions: Why should it be wood as a field of study? Which objects exactly are restored during the course? How many students are in their year? What is Silja and Anne's favourite tool?

In this episode, listeners once again learn technical terms such as "setting" or "retouching" and find out what Silja's fascination with the transmitted-light microscope is. Anne reports on her study trip to "Bella Italia" (Naples) and both rave about their pre-study internship.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 6: Studienrichtung Holz

In their seventh episode, everything revolves around the stay abroad as part of the Erasmus+ programme. Silja is in Rome for two semesters as part of her conservation and restoration studies and tells Anne first insights into her everyday life, but also looks back at the early days. How do you settle in to an unfamiliar city? Where is the best place to look for flats? Would Silja recommend studying in Rome to others? Anne shares her experiences with new beginnings and why it can be good to think outside the box. As icing on the cake, both have a few tips on learning languages and Italian cuisine.
So listen in and let yourself be infected by their enthusiasm for Italy!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung Folge 7: Auslands-/ Erasmus-Erfahrung

Arts Management and Cultural Work – Nicolai and Basti

Basti and Nicolai introduce themselves as campus specialists of the arts management and cultural work degree programme: Basti explains why he took up the cultural work degree programme despite training as an event manager. Nicolai explains why he thinks this degree programme is the right one for his future as a theatre teacher. In addition: What is cultural work? Who is it suitable for and where can you go with it? You can hear it all in this episode!

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Kulturarbeit Folge 1: Ästhetik und Bauchgefühl

In this episode on cultural work, Basti and Nicolai look at the application process for their degree programme. Unlike in many similar degree programmes, personal selection interviews are an integral part of the process at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Our campus specialists will take you through the entire process and point out important deadlines and topics. They explain with a wink at their own experiences and mishaps in the application phase that authenticity and creative solutions are still important despite all the good preparation.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Kulturarbeit Folge 2: One does not simply walk into Kulturarbeit

What do you actually learn in cultural work? It is almost a tradition that very diverse definitions of this question circulate among students, which in turn are constantly being supplemented. And yet it is still difficult to find an all-encompassing description of the course. In this episode of the campus specialists, Nicolai and Basti take on the challenge of summarising the modules of the first four semesters in a compact and understandable way. What is part of the compulsory programme? At what point can students choose freely? And what is the entry into the academic lifestyle like? The two explain this and more in their usual relaxed manner, citing their own anecdotes and impressions.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Kulturarbeit Folge 3: Uhh, wir sind jetzt Akademiker

Finally arrived at the daily routine of studying! But what does "everyday life" actually mean in this context? After all, every student has their own personal circumstances and demands on their studies. How can these many different perspectives be combined on campus? These are precisely the questions Basti and Nicolai address in this episode. Somewhat detached from cultural work, they compare their two perspectives on life alongside their studies: while Nicolai, as a commuter, is also balancing family and career, Basti is firmly committed to the campus with part-time jobs and committee work. Together, they look at the support and additional offers they have come across for their respective studies: From catering and leisure activities to the "tiresome" topic of money.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Kulturarbeit Folge 4: Studi4Life

In the study of arts management and cultural work, project work takes on a key role: For some, it is the first time that they have to independently plan something from start to finish and put it into practice. It is obvious that not everything always goes smoothly. Masters don't just fall from the sky!

Nicolai and Basti have also picked out their concepts from back then and look back together on the project work they were involved in. What went particularly well, which planning steps are important and where - in the truest sense of the word - stumbling blocks can lurk, can all be heard in this episode.

Podcast der Campusspezialisten zum Studiengang Kulturarbeit Folge 5: Jetzt wird wieder in die Hände gespuckt

After the project work has already served as a small trial by fire test, it will be for the cultural workers now one step more serious: the practical semester is already waiting. The students engage themselves for for 5 months in a cultural field of their choice and cangain valuablegain valuable practical insights.

For Nicolai and Basti the retrospective of the practical semester from of particular interest. While Nicolai is fresh out of the practical semester and brought some stories with him, Basti is writing his Bachelor's thesis on practical relevance. And be are both looking forward to to pester each other with questions.


Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Kulturarbeit Folge 6: akademisch, praktisch, gut

Social Work – Lotte and Hendrik

In the first episode on social work, Hendrik and Lotte introduce themselves. Both have been studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam for just under a year. They came to their studies in quite different ways. But why study social work at all and why in Potsdam? University or university of applied sciences? And what is the difference? In this episode you will find out the answers and much more.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Soziale Arbeit Folge 1: Soziale Arbeit, Potsdam und Wir - Hendrik und Lotte erzählen

Hendrik and Lotte are both studying social work in their third bachelor's semester at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam. In this podcast episode, they explain what lectures and seminars are, how they are organised and what they have to achieve. In addition to the explanations, they talk about events they took in their last semesters and report on why the freedoms of studying are so nice and can sometimes also be challenging.

Podcast der Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Soziale Arbeit Folge 2: Einblicke in den Studienaufbau und -alltag

Social work helps people? What is actually "helping" and what is the difference between professional and everyday help? Lotte and Hendrik explain the role of social work and the different forms that help can take.can take. Besides a few examplesn among other things will be shown, why advocacy work for young people is important and what it can look like.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang der Soziale Arbeit Folge 3: Mehr als nur Menschen helfen?

Studying means only sitting in the library or behind your laptop? Not with us!  
Because studying social work at the FH Potsdam always includes a practical semester. Hendrik and Lotte are currently in the middle of their internship and talk about their experiences and impressions.

Podcast Die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Soziale Arbeit Folge 4:  An die Arbeit – Rein ins Vergnügen

Studying social work dual-digitally or part-time? What is behind the two study programmes?

To answer this question, Hendrik and Lotte will interview Prof. Dr. Schmidt in today's episode. Among other things, she is the programme director for the part-time social work programme. In a second interview, the two want to know from their fellow student Maggie what it is like to study Social Work | Dual-Digital.

Podcast die Campusspezialist*innen zum Studiengang Soziale Arbeit Folge 5: Mehr als nur eine Option – Viele Wege führen zum Abschluss