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Wireless LAN Eduroam – Worldwide Access to the Internet

You can use the wireless LAN eduroam at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, at most universities in Germany and also in many other countries. You can find an overview of the locations on this map.

Setup & Login

University members can authenticate themselves on the WIFI using their Campus.Account.

Configuration programmes

For the setup, we recommend that you use the configuration programmes provided. These are available for Windows, Mac OS X (from 10.7), Linux and Apple iOS.

Please use the geteduroam app on mobile devices. This is available for mobile Apple devices and Android in the respective app stores.

In the app, search for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and enter the access data for your Campus.account.

It is also possible to use other systems, but the connection must be set up manually. Instructions can be found here.


The login name for eduroam is always in the format <Campus.Account>

For students, this results in a login name in the form s<matriculationnumber>
e.g. <s12345>

For staff, this results in a login name in the form <esample>
e.g. <mustermann>

The password corresponds to that of the Campus.Account.


Central IT

Room 2.24 bis 2.30
Deputy Head of IT
Adminstrator Infrastructure