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Ombudspersons for Good Scientific Practice

In order to maintain good conditions for scientific integrity, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has created the function "Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice" in implementation of the DFG code. The senate has appointed ombudspersons of trust to whom its members and affiliates can turn in matters of good scientific practice and in matters of suspected scientific misconduct.

Good scientific practice

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is aware of the task to create framework conditions for its core tasks in teaching, research and qualification of young academics that enable and secure successful, good academic work.

With the statutes for the safeguarding of good scientific practice and for dealing with scientific misconduct at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has defined the principles of good scientific practice as the basis for all scientific activity. All persons working at the university are obliged to base their scientific work on these guidelines and to actively contribute to the prevention of scientific misconduct.

The foundations of these guidelines are

Here you can find further information on the topic of scientific integrity.

Contact ombudspersons

The ombudspersons advise as neutral and qualified contact persons and contribute, as far as possible, to solution-oriented conflict mediation. They work independently in their function and are not bound by instructions.


In addition, every member and member of the FHP is free to turn to the supra-regionally and independently active committee "Ombudsman for Science".

Research Professor for Design of Software Interfaces
Programme Director for Design (M. A.)